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Topic: Tempo Training Tournament

Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
Posts: 967
One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2020-04-26, 20:18

I tried Atlantean again, this time in 19:12. I think I made a lot of mistakes since my blacksmith was producing the 4 Speers in the opposite way and the workers missed to get the leichter Dreizack first in the Labyrinth, indeed they did it on 3rd position. I am happy that I proved that 19 min is not the border face-smile.png this was my aim for this Tournament and i reached it face-smile.png . The border is vast under 19 minutes maybe like i pointed out once before, but i promise to go for another try where i really try to make it perfect. Just one thing face-wink.png please world and king of nowhere do not copy this one since i know that except the two huge mistakes i think everything else is 100 % perfect - I am Happy - after the Tournament you can copy it of course.

4th try in total with Atalantean Hero. Im proud to say my new time is 18:07. I think this is close to perfection face-smile.png this is the post from 3 pm face-smile-big.png

I am quite happy that the last years the limit has been very hard to push the 20 min - now it is even 2-3 minutes faster. This is quite near to what i predicted before the Tournament that the limit will be a lot faster than 19 minutes.

Congrats to World Saviour for the close win

Attachment: application/x-zip-compressed
The-X Atlantean (314.7 KB)

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 20:19

the-x wrote:

My results are


23:15 Amazons

32:27 Imperium

31:35 Friesen

32:20 Barbarians

18:07 Atlanter


If there is a part that is missing, please be precise which one you'll need.

Dear the-x,

i've gone through this whole topic and tried to find the uploaded replays by you. Unfortunately i found only one. With regard to the tournament rules, only this one should be counted.

If i have overlooked some other uploaded replays, i am sorry. But i am sure you can point us to them.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 20:23

No problem, shall I reupload the two wwpa for every tribe? I mean this is no problem and since i have other problems at the moment - my father is in hospital - i hope that we dont start bullying each other but be fair sportsmen ... and accept the the results what the other one has achieved.

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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 20:35

All the best for your father!

Tournament rules are tournament rules. And the tournament has ended. Fair sportsmen comply to the rules.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 20:35

I tried it out and the savegames of all 5 tribes are working. there you can clearly see that the time is correct as well as you can see the exact buildings to that time, including the hero leaving the laybyrinth. Upload time was afternoon of 26.4., settings were all correct and correct times, settings everything so it should be ok. savegames were done in the period of time 26.4., 26.4., 16.4., 23.4., 18.4. so this shall be okay, wwpas work partly, if there is maybe the first or otherone which is not working maybe you just have to change names or ill upload them again

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 21:17

I am happy to have the new record for the fastest Hero of the Amazons :-) since this specific replay didnt work so far, ill upload it again with the 2 wpga so everything should be complete

Attachment: application/x-zip-compressed
Record (383.9 KB)

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 21:22

Well played Niektory - how did you achieve these dream times, since we rarely played in mutiplayer before i am very surprised to see these outstanding times, beating world and me in Frisian

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 21:37

the-x: The tournament has ended today 6pm CEST. In my opinion every replay uploaded later does not count.

But of course WorldSavior, as the tournament leader, has the last word.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 21:47

Since the votes are counted and your saying we can have a closer look at all the results, we should first decide if we will again take a closer look at all the results, and this will also decide the one hostet the tournament face-wink.png

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Joined: 2019-06-03, 20:06
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Posted at: 2020-04-26, 22:06

king_of_nowhere wrote:

also, congrats niektory! it's been a long time since someone managed to best worldsavior at anything in this game.

Alas, he was still better. As Boromir would say, one does not simply best WorldSavior.

the-x wrote:

Well played Niektory - how did you achieve these dream times, since we rarely played in mutiplayer before i am very surprised to see these outstanding times, beating world and me in Frisian

How? A spreadsheet to account wares, identification of bottlenecks, heavy use of the PageDown button, extreme micromanagement, and multiple tries. I can't play this way in multiplayer so I'm much weaker there. face-wink.png

Oh, and when uploading replays, make sure that the .wrpl.wgf and .wrpl files have identical names (except the .wgf part). If not, they belong to different replays and won't work.

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