Latest Posts
- aerial scouts
- Unpassable terrain
- Homepage mobile testing
- Map name
- Map Server Failure
- diplomatic function
- Map uploading
- Map analyse script
- Upload of add-ons
- New experimental tribe: Europeans
- Rekruten sowie Arbeiter Eigenschaft abfrage möglich
- Geologo soll "Jippie!" rufen
- Verbesserungsvorschlag : Kein Schiffe stapeln
- Neues Volk - Europäer
- Sumatrans Tribe
- Arbeiter Laufzeit
- Why can't I load "wood" on an expedition?
- Imperium Mission 3
- Fehlermeldungen beim laden von Erweiterungen
- Grrrr. Frisian campaign level 1
- I can't access add-ons
- Militarysites on mine building places will brake the AI
- Spectator Mode for Singleplayer Games
- Single player tournament Fast Explorer
- Verbesserungsvorschlag : Add-On Manager Filter für installierte Add-On Liste
- AI as a scipt
- concerning posts
Topic: aerial scouts
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Topic: Unpassable terrain
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
Today 01:45 | Ron_of_Nord | " kaputtnik wrote: You may can take a look at the add-on "Impassable Water" (cat…" |
Yesterday 10:54 | kaputtnik | "You may can take a look at the add-on "Impassable Water" (category "Wold") to g…" |
Yesterday 09:47 | tothxa | "Yes, this is possible with add-ons." |
Yesterday 03:17 | Ron_of_Nord | "I dont know if this has been brought up so I will ask, widelands currently offe…" |
Topic: Homepage mobile testing
At Forum: Homepage
Topic: Map name
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
Yesterday 11:16 | kaputtnik | "flipflipsen, sorry for my bad assumption. Sometimes, especially in long games, …" |
Yesterday 09:55 | tothxa | "I tried to look into whether this is possible with an add-on, but AFAICT there'…" |
Yesterday 03:05 | Ron_of_Nord | "If I may venture a comment here, I don't believe having the map name displayed …" |
2025-02-15, 22:10 | flipflipsen | "Oké, thanks for your reply." |
2025-02-15, 22:02 | hessenfarmer | "I believe this might be possible, however it might clutter the panel especially…" |
2025-02-15, 21:52 | flipflipsen | "No, I mean the name of the map wich you are playing, in the info-bar next to th…" |
2025-02-15, 21:45 | kaputtnik | "Hi, i guess you mean the map list in the add-ons? The problem is here that it w…" |
2025-02-15, 21:30 | flipflipsen | "Hello, is it possible to display the map name in the info-panel" |
Topic: Map Server Failure
At Forum: Technical Help
Topic: diplomatic function
At Forum: Coding & Scripting
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-13, 21:15 | Ron_of_Nord | "Thanks, I must have missed that, I'll have another good read of the documents o…" |
2025-02-13, 10:08 | Nordfriese | "To change teams, you can use the property. For trading, I p…" |
2025-02-13, 06:45 | Ron_of_Nord | "Hi folks, I've been searching the Lua interface documents but couldn't find a f…" |
Topic: Map uploading
At Forum: Map Editor Forum
Topic: Map analyse script
At Forum: Map Editor Forum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-10, 23:09 | Ron_of_Nord | " OIPUN wrote: Ron_of_Nord wrote: This script is A1 Brilliant ! I have found it…" |
2025-02-10, 23:06 | Ron_of_Nord | " kaputtnik wrote: Ron_of_Nord wrote: This script is A1 Brilliant ! I have foun…" |
2025-02-10, 18:28 | kaputtnik | " Ron_of_Nord wrote: This script is A1 Brilliant ! I have found it excellent whe…" |
2025-02-10, 09:55 | OIPUN | " Ron_of_Nord wrote: This script is A1 Brilliant ! I have found it excellent whe…" |
2025-02-10, 02:07 | Ron_of_Nord | "This script is A1 Brilliant ! I have found it excellent when Balancing my maps.…" |
Topic: Upload of add-ons
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-10, 16:15 | OIPUN | " kaputtnik wrote: Probably the related bug report:…" |
2025-02-10, 10:45 | kaputtnik | "Probably the related bug report:…" |
2025-02-10, 10:21 | Nordfriese | "I suppose you mean the listing of the add-ons and maps? Listing → fetching the …" |
2025-02-10, 10:14 | OIPUN | "The upload (fetching) of add-ons in 1.3 in comparison to 1.2.1 takes ages. Woul…" |
Topic: New experimental tribe: Europeans
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-10, 05:28 | MarkMcWire | "It should stay that way. All basic buildings should require all three types of …" |
2025-02-09, 20:51 | Nick222 | "Could You change the settings for building construction to break the vicious ci…" |
2025-01-26, 20:11 | mxb2001 | " MarkMcWire wrote: Here are a few updates for my addon: Due to the last discuss…" |
2025-01-26, 14:10 | MarkMcWire | "Here are a few updates for my addon: Due to the last discussion with the Sumatr…" |
Topic: Rekruten sowie Arbeiter Eigenschaft abfrage möglich
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-06, 09:29 | JanO | "Der Rekrut wurde eingeführt, als die Kasernen / separaten Rekrutierungsgebäude …" |
2025-02-05, 23:40 | Teayo | "Wie kam es dazu das man für die Kaserne einen neuen Arbeiter für alle offiziell…" |
Topic: Geologo soll "Jippie!" rufen
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-04, 18:50 | kaputtnik | " MonteChristo wrote: Den Download-Link würde ich freilich statt des Sounds mit …" |
2025-02-04, 17:58 | mxb2001 | "Ich glaube wenn die copyrighted file NICHT im add-on ist kannst du den addon up…" |
2025-02-04, 11:07 | MonteChristo | " kaputtnik wrote: MonteChristo wrote: Ich fand die Idee super und habe ein ent…" |
2025-02-04, 10:22 | kaputtnik | " MonteChristo wrote: Ich fand die Idee super und habe ein entsprechendes Add-On…" |
2025-02-03, 18:25 | MonteChristo | "Ich fand die Idee super und habe ein entsprechendes Add-On entwickelt, das ich …" |
Topic: Verbesserungsvorschlag : Kein Schiffe stapeln
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-03, 20:23 | kaputtnik | "Listen benötigen jeweils eine Leerzeile oben und unten. Ich hoffe ich habe den …" |
2025-02-03, 19:33 | Teayo | "@kaputtnik EN : Improvment Suggestion : No Ship stacking In vergangenden Mehrsp…" |
2025-02-03, 17:37 | kaputtnik | "Teayo, deine posts sind immer eine Textwand und sehr schwer zu lesen. Bitte ben…" |
2025-02-03, 16:36 | Teayo | "EN : Improvment Suggestion : No Ship stacking In vergangenden Mehrspieler Parti…" |
Topic: Neues Volk - Europäer
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-03, 07:42 | MarkMcWire | " Caldessa wrote: Hallo Mark Danke für deine Arbeit. Habe die Addons Ingame runt…" |
2025-02-02, 19:35 | mxb2001 | "Versuch's auf 'ner grossen Karte. Die Euros brauchen wirklich riesen Platz." |
2025-02-02, 13:26 | Caldessa | "Hallo Mark Danke für deine Arbeit. Habe die Addons Ingame runtergeladen (Europe…" |
Topic: Sumatrans Tribe
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-02, 19:07 | OIPUN | "New 2.0.1 version of the tribe add-on is uploaded. It contains new graphics for…" |
2025-01-18, 22:15 | OIPUN | " Teayo wrote: Change Suggestion : ~~~~ current folder name : water_carrier…" |
Topic: Arbeiter Laufzeit
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-31, 21:14 | kaputtnik | " hessenfarmer wrote: Für die Strecke von einem Node (Punkt) zum nächsten brauch…" |
2025-01-31, 20:27 | Teayo | "Danke @hessenfarmer für die Klarstellung ." |
2025-01-31, 20:25 | hessenfarmer | "Für die Strecke von einem Node (Punkt) zum nächsten brauchen alle Einheiten in …" |
2025-01-30, 17:52 | Teayo | "Wie lange braucht ein Arbeiter um sich von einen Punkt zum nächst gelegenden Pu…" |
Topic: Why can't I load "wood" on an expedition?
At Forum: Technical Help
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-31, 19:19 | mxb2001 | "Thanks for reminding me of the Encyclopedia. I just bookmarked it." |
2025-01-30, 23:07 | Ron_of_Nord | "Thanks for the clarification Kaputnik, I didn't think to mention the encycloped…" |
2025-01-30, 09:56 | kaputtnik | "Yes, Frisians are using logs's. A Woodcutter produces logs. You can find this i…" |
2025-01-30, 05:29 | Ron_of_Nord | "That should have read 'in the list" ( sorry I was in a hurry )" |
2025-01-30, 05:28 | Ron_of_Nord | "Try looking for logs, lumber or planks I forget what the Frisian name for 'wood…" |
2025-01-30, 01:46 | hamogu | "On Widelands 1.2.1, I'm starting an expedition from a Frisian port (in a Frisia…" |
Topic: Imperium Mission 3
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-31, 08:06 | Merkades | "Dankeschön. Ich war tatsächlich zu langsam. Als ich die Mission neu angefangen …" |
2025-01-30, 19:40 | OIPUN | "Hallo Merkades, es ist shon ziemlich lange her, was ich diese Mission gespielt …" |
2025-01-30, 10:12 | Merkades | "Hallo an alle! Ich spiele gerade Mission 3 des Imperiums. Ich habe die Barbaren…" |
Topic: Fehlermeldungen beim laden von Erweiterungen
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-30, 12:41 | Teayo | "Ich habe das Problem gelöst , indem ich in der units.lua die Namen für die beid…" |
2025-01-29, 20:10 | Teayo | "return { romans_building_construction_site= { "__replace_if_exi…" |
2025-01-29, 19:19 | kaputtnik | "Wie sieht denn die zugehörige register.lua aus?" |
2025-01-29, 18:16 | Teayo | "Sobald ich versuche ein Gebäude zu platzieren , stürzt das Spiel ab . Also ist …" |
2025-01-26, 02:03 | Teayo | "Problem eingegrenzt . Liegt wohl an den Mauer Objekten . Sobald ich den Ordner …" |
2025-01-25, 17:14 | Teayo | "Lässt sich die folgende Fehlerursache eingrenzen : Sobald ich mein Addon extern…" |
Topic: Grrrr. Frisian campaign level 1
At Forum: Playing Widelands
Date | User | Post |
2025-01-29, 21:48 | martinuzz | "Pic says it all haha. [img][/img]" |
Topic: I can't access add-ons
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-28, 10:52 | martinuzz | "Hurray! Time to dive into the extra Frisians stuff" |
2025-01-27, 20:20 | kaputtnik | "HI, the addons-server is running again " |
2025-01-27, 13:41 | martinuzz | "Aye, roger that. Thanks for quick reply!" |
2025-01-27, 12:43 | hessenfarmer | "Confirmed, the Addon Server is down. we will work on it and post when it wi…" |
2025-01-27, 11:51 | Nick222 | ""Unable to connect to the server" - some days... Xubuntu 24.10 Widelands 1.3-bz…" |
2025-01-27, 11:38 | martinuzz | "I have created an account here. I have set a gaming password in my profile. Nei…" |
Topic: Militarysites on mine building places will brake the AI
At Forum: Playing Widelands
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-27, 17:28 | MarkMcWire | " hessenfarmer wrote: I think we have to accept, that the AI System will never b…" |
2025-01-27, 12:37 | hessenfarmer | "I think we have to accept, that the AI System will never be able to handle all …" |
2025-01-27, 11:39 | JanO | "Is your mountain-guard-building "mountain-only"? Maybe the AI now tries to buil…" |
2025-01-26, 14:03 | MarkMcWire | "I have added a special building for the Europeans, a guardhouse that can be bui…" |
Topic: Spectator Mode for Singleplayer Games
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-23, 23:35 | CentrawhileYT | " WorldSavior wrote: Hi, welcome to the forums. This feature exists already, at …" |
2025-01-23, 09:26 | kaputtnik | "Hi CentrawhileYT and welcome to our forums A game of two persons is technical…" |
2025-01-23, 09:18 | WorldSavior | " CentrawhileYT wrote: A setting below the list of players where there is a sett…" |
2025-01-23, 00:34 | CentrawhileYT | "A setting below the list of players where there is a setting for the human play…" |
Topic: Single player tournament Fast Explorer
At Forum: Playing Widelands
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-20, 15:15 | kaputtnik | "crazy.... just crazy.... Empire made one rank up and is now on third place in …" |
2025-01-19, 12:38 | WorldSavior | "Replay" |
2025-01-19, 12:38 | WorldSavior | "I would even say it's impossible to make it perfect..." |
2025-01-18, 21:59 | OIPUN | "replay" |
2025-01-18, 21:59 | OIPUN | "Hm, I had problems with coal in smelting works this time. It is really hard to …" |
Topic: Verbesserungsvorschlag : Add-On Manager Filter für installierte Add-On Liste
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-19, 23:55 | Teayo | "Konzept Visualisierung" |
2025-01-19, 22:23 | kaputtnik | "+1" |
2025-01-19, 20:22 | hessenfarmer | "+1 von mir." |
2025-01-19, 19:56 | Teayo | "Wiki - Referenz Sobald man viele Add-Ons installiert hat wird es unübersichtli…" |
Topic: AI as a scipt
At Forum: Coding & Scripting
Date | User | Posts |
2025-01-19, 23:02 | Ron_of_Nord | "thanks also for the link to the lua documentation, I'll have a read through it …" |
2025-01-19, 22:34 | Ron_of_Nord | "Thanks for the information, I've downloaded the latest source so I'll take a l…" |
2025-01-18, 20:03 | hessenfarmer | "Currently there is no direct lua api to influence or control the AI. Our l…" |
2025-01-18, 10:17 | Nordfriese | "You can download the latest documentation as a ZIP archive of HTML files here: …" |
2025-01-18, 04:10 | Ron_of_Nord | "Hi Folks, I read a few posts on the AI and got to wondering wether the inbuilt …" |
Topic: concerning posts
At Forum: Homepage
Date | User | Post |
2025-01-18, 01:09 | Ron_of_Nord | "Firstly I want to apologise if I seemed critical, I did not mean to be. I agree…" |