Topic: Tempo Training Tournament
WorldSavior Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-03-28, 22:05
I'm organizing a tournament - the Tempo Training Tournament. The tournament is about training one soldier as soon as possible to the highest level. (for each tribe including amazons). One doesn't have to participate with each tribe. Basic rules: Results over 2 hours will be neglected. Allowed versions of Widelands are build20, bzr9220 , master5937, master6226, master6448, master6646, amazons5970, amazons5953 , amazons6086, amazons6762 or any other official version which is replay-compatible to the others. Recommend version is amazons6762. You should start the single-player game(s) with: 1. Map: Escher Goose Fish 2. Starting position: free choice, other positions set to empty, Starting condition: headquarters, tribe of your choice 3. Type of game: Free choice, endless game (no fog) recommended I'm going to update the ranking lists for every tribe. So if you want to participate with any tribe, you just start your game, train one soldier to the highest level and save immediately. Answer this topic with your results and upload the replay plus this savegame. (Edit April 12th: If the replay is from April 12th or younger, it must be in one part, it is not allowed to load from a savegame. Recommodation: Fullfill one action after the training has been done, so the replay does not stop before this.) In case you use a version which is not listed above, notify which version of the list is replay-compatible. There is no limit for participants to upload their games. You can try to build better a better settlement and reach an even better time. The tournament ends 26st of April 2020, 6pm CEST. (edit: removal of the following rule: Reaching the fastest time gives a point - for each tribe. Who reaches most points wins the tournament. If there is a tie, the player with the fastest result in total wins.) If you have questions, please ask. Here in this thread or via private message. Ideas about this tournament are welcome. Special thanks to Einstein13, as this tournament is like an offspring of his economy tournament 2018. Edit: New point system: You can get points for every category where you participate. To calculate your points, we call the number of the participants in the category with the most participants "n", and your rank in the category "m". For every category you will receive n-m+1 points then and all of your points will be added up. There will be a final ranking of the tournament then - where the participants are sorted descending by their points, and if several players have the same amount of points, they will be sorted ascending by their average times (edit! arithmetical mean) and then ascending by their best times. Too complicated? Ask me for examples Edited: 2020-04-16, 20:29
Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked Top Quote |
WorldSavior Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-03-28, 22:08
Tournament results Final ranking:
Edited: 2020-05-02, 13:58
Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2020-03-28, 22:36
Many thanks for organizing this. It will definitly bring some light into balancing and is a great challenge. Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2020-03-29, 08:45
Thanks for organizing this! I have added it to the homepage. Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |
kaputtnik |
Posted at: 2020-03-29, 09:16
Thanks for organizing!
How can one map the given numbers to a git revision? E.g. how do i get the correct commit which refers to 'amazons6762' in the git commit list of the amazons branch? Fight simulator for Widelands: |
Nordfriese |
Posted at: 2020-03-29, 09:38
I think those are appveyor builds, so you'll need to dig through the appveyor build history to find this out. Very participant-friendly. The bzr revisions are here and have the github commit hash attached in the commit messages. Btw those are fairly outdated, current master already has a bunch of new bug-fixes and features… Edited: 2020-03-29, 09:38
Top Quote |
WorldSavior Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-03-29, 13:57
You're welcome. I remember that you suggested such a tournament some time ago.
Yes, even though one can play in this tournament a bit different in comparison to all other matches...
You're welcome, thanks for that.
You're welcome
Thanks for your informations.
Why so ironic? Amazons6762 and bzr9220 are rather new, master6646 is not that old neither, and I'm rather tired of installing new versions, and I'm organizing this for fun. Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked Top Quote |
Nordfriese |
Posted at: 2020-03-29, 14:00
I apologize. However may I request that amazons-6897 is also allowed and recommended for the participants? That way my newest set of graphics could get some testing feedback Edited: 2020-03-29, 14:01
Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2020-03-29, 15:52
+1 for getting the graphics tested, two birds with one stone It would also be good to list the git commit hashes, this way people can get it via Edited: 2020-03-29, 15:54
Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |
WorldSavior Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-03-29, 16:37
I'm against including amazons-6897 in the list...
Apology accepted Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked Top Quote |