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Topic: New images for barbarian barracks

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Joined: 2014-09-14, 01:54
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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 04:22

I've been working on the barbarians' barracks. This is incomplete (duh) and doesn't have the exact colors (duh), but I thought I'd show you what I have so far:

If something important needs to be changed (such as replacing the thatch roof), let me know.

EDIT: Yes, I realize the fence is floating a bit; that too will be fixed.

Edited: 2021-02-24, 04:23

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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 20:01

I am not familiar with barbarians buildings, so i can not say anything about your image.

An idea which came to my mind on your work for the empire barracks: I think it would be great if some the buildcosts are reflected in the image. For the empire barracks it is too late for it, but maybe you can include this idea for future building images? E.g. using some kind of granite/grout here or for the intermediate images?

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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 20:28

Well... What's the motivation for making new graphics for the barbarian barracks? The current one look nice. What about changing the graphics of humans, for example the amazons?

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 20:55

WorldSavior wrote:

Well... What's the motivation for making new graphics for the barbarian barracks? The current one look nice. What about changing the graphics of humans, for example the amazons?

I think one motivation is to have scalable graphics, which is currently only the case for frisians and amazons. Our graphics are 2D Exports from a 3D rendering model. The problem is that these models are either lost, or incompatible with newer versions of the software they are made with or in the case of DragonAtma the graphician wanting to contribute is familiar with another (incompatible) rendering software. So to get scalable graphics exported the a lot of the models need to be redesigned from scratch.
Making buildings is easier then making human animations I believe so it is fully understandable if someone decides to do the easier things first. So taking our enormous lack in graphicians into account any suggested scalable graphics are welcome from my point of view. Critics on the design are welcome though (at least from my side).

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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 21:03

I think the L-shaped layout does not really fit barbarians. A middle aged longhouse style would fit them better. Alternatively some round shaped building like the current barracks would fit as well.

Furthermore the fence is to sophisticated for barbarians as well in my opinion. Some roughly piled up trunks would fit better as fence I think.

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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 21:04

The current barbarian barracks image is a placeholder resulting from a manual edit of the trainingscamp. The barbarians don't have real barracks graphics of their own yet at all.

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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 21:06

I think the building would benefit from having more stone in it, it looks a bit too peaceful like this to my eyes. +1 for a straight or round shape.

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Posted at: 2021-02-24, 22:04

@hessenfarmer: Ok, I see! Then it's nice

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2014-09-14, 01:54
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Posted at: 2021-02-27, 05:14

Sorry, I've been sidetracked by IRL stuff. I did make some progress, so have another incomplete version:

I'm not that happy with the roof at this level of zoom, so I may change that. I also should add *something* to the right side. As for comments:

"L-shaped building doesn't work"
It did seem a bit similar to Empire barracks, so I changed that.

"fence is too sophisticated"
Fences certainly exist in the Training Camp and Battle Arena (as well as historical buildings), so I may include a fence here as well; if I do, I may make it more ramshackle, so don't worry.

"it needs more stone"
"it looks too peaceful"
Keep in mind that these are training buildings, not military towers. I went with a different roof, but stone may be a step too far. Remember, buildings usually used nearby materials, which for germanics and norse meant wood and (in some cases) earth.

And no, this still isn't 100% finalized.

Edited: 2021-02-27, 05:18

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2021-02-27, 12:33

well the roof isn't fitting the barbarian style very much imho as most of the buildings have reed roofs.

A rough fence should definitly added. The comment was about style not about necessity.

Maybe we could use a stone gate in there and/or a stone basement. The stone basement would be good to increase the height a bit cause it is too low currently I believe. This would fit build cost as well (4 grout 2 stone 4 log and reed)

Edited: 2021-02-27, 12:34

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