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Topic: Atlanteans 2

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2019-04-27, 18:52

Hi while digging through our history on launchpad I found an incomplete version of an attempt to make Atlantean mission 2. I have adapted this to be playable in newest trunk again.
See lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/atlantean02

If SirVer or Nasenbaer still know what should have been the storyline I might try to finish this. Anyhow any Input on this would be welcome.

EDIT: ----------- be careful reading this thread will spoiler some parts of the story -----------------

Edited: 2019-06-11, 09:22

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Posted at: 2019-04-27, 19:05

Great that you´re picking this up! face-smile.png

For some more general aspects what the atl campaign should be like, see

IMHO you should feel free to change the "original" storyline (if there was one) according to your own ideas and preferences, as Widelands also changed rather a lot since then, and since anything beyond the existing stub will be your own work face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2019-04-28, 12:20

Thanks for picking this up!

I agree with Nordfriese, you can change the story to your linking. Neither Nasenbaer nor SirVer have the time to work on this any more.

I also think it would be nice to have a volcano on the first Atlanteans map - it was not possible when the map was originally created, because the engine was still split into 4 separate worlds at the time.

Edited: 2019-04-28, 12:23

Busy indexing nil values

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Posted at: 2019-04-28, 15:56

I Know that I will have to do the complete work. I just hoped for some lines what was their original story outline for this map. I found just one line in the related Bug description
However I hoped for some additional input.
To make the original story work i first need to make their script to dump an economy work again. For this I need a possibility to write to the filesystem from lua or rewrite the whole thing to use syve campaign data interface. I will add the script to the new branch first perhaps someone can have a look on it as well.

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Posted at: 2019-04-28, 16:46

You could also write a PM to SirVer and ask if he still remembers any other ideas.

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Posted at: 2019-05-06, 12:57

GunChleoc wrote:

I also think it would be nice to have a volcano on the first Atlanteans map - it was not possible when the map was originally created, because the engine was still split into 4 separate worlds at the time.

Found an old yet unmerged branch for that I will try to incorporate the changes made there.

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Posted at: 2019-05-06, 12:59

BTW: my work on the lua scripts to dump and load an economy (consisting of flags, roads and buildings does make ggod progress. as soon as they are ready I'll add them to the branch. They could be useful for other scenario designers though.

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Posted at: 2019-05-11, 23:45

Ok I finished the scripts for dumping the economy. I uploaded them to the branch. Feel free to have a look at them. No I will start scripting and making this scenario ready.

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Posted at: 2019-05-26, 23:17

basic setup of the mission is now ready for the story to evolve. Could need some playtest though if this is to difficult.

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2019-05-27, 06:23

I volunteer to playtest in case

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