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Topic: Seafaring


Joined: 2011-02-26, 17:57
Posts: 16
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2011-08-05, 10:17

I have a comment to

  • Whether a shipyard produces a ship or a raw boat should be decided through 1) whether water is near - if not, only raw boats are produced & 2) by target quantity - ships should be counted world wide (not per economy), while rawboats should be counted per economy.

Shouldn't ships be counted per sea? A map could have more than one disjuncted water area. If a shipyard has access to two of them it should prefer building ships where less are available (or the ratio is lower if different limits are definable for different seas).

Another idea is to have running costs for ships in any form. Otherwise ships could be endles save stores of material as they cannot be attacked (I wouldn't want to have naval battles too). It will also make the Player think more about how many ships are to build. Some ideas are:

  • Ships need food per time, depending on how many people are on board
  • From time to time there are storms in which all ships need one textile (Spidercloth, Cloth) and one upgraded trunk (Plank, Blackwood, Wood)

Ships not fullfilling its ressource requirements sink.

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Joined: 2009-02-27, 13:28
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Posted at: 2011-11-14, 20:27

I just merged the seafaring branch to trunk, like we discussed at the WiHack. I also updated the blueprint on the Wiki, which is here: SeafaringImplementation

The current status of implementation is: transporting wares and workers by ship works just fine, but there are no expeditions yet or anything, and the buildings are disabled by default, and anyway only available to the atlanteans so far. A very brief guide to how to play around with ships is on the Wiki.

Note that having the ships around highlights some of the inefficiencies of our economy code - in the sense that the game sometimes fails to make decisions that would be obviously good. This causes some rather high latency when building, for example. However, that's not really a problem with ships: the same things occur when you play on a really large map, it's just that they may be more immediately visible when ships are involved.

There is a list of todos on the Wiki, but I guess further implementation can happen in trunk. Of course, some details are not set in stone either, but I guess we should just go ahead and implement expeditions and colonization in a simple manner, and then if it turns out that we need to tweak things based on gameplay experience, we can always do that afterwards.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
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Posted at: 2011-11-14, 20:40

AWESOME! Kristin and I are going to test this right now

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
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Posted at: 2011-11-14, 21:12

If someone is interested in trying this in a real game: I found a cool settlers 2 map from Michael Hahne (all credits to him) and I monkey patched it into a multiplayer scenario that will cheat you some ports and enable the shipyard. The map contains 6 computer barbarians that are all allied against you. Here is how to play:

1) Download the map
2) RENAME into Das_Atoll.wmf
3) move into your maps folder
4) Start a new MULTIPLAYER game (even if you are alone, just open one in your LAN). When choosing the map make sure you click the checkbox "Load as scenario".
5) Press play and enjoy.

Obviously you need bzr:r6101 or later.

Edited: 2011-11-14, 21:13

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 19:24
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Posted at: 2011-11-15, 19:19

Great! I'm really happy to finally see seafaring make it into the game. (

Thanks to Nicolai and anyone else who have contributed to this. face-smile.png

/me sets sail against uncharted coastlines...

edit: Oh, and by the way: do we have a list of known issues or do you want me to just report any issues I find?

Edited: 2011-11-15, 19:20


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Joined: 2009-02-27, 13:28
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Posted at: 2011-11-15, 21:19

It is a known issue that the transportation with ships is often stupid, e.g. if you have several ships, the economy logic will not even attempt to choose a good ship to use for the next transport. You don't have to report such things.

However, please report any kind of crash or other bug beyond this type of stupidity via the normal bug tracker on Launchpad (and here as well, if you like). This includes cases where wares are never delivered, but please make absolutely sure that the wares really are not delivered - as I wrote, the behaviour of the code is often extremely stupid, and so it can take a really long time for wares to be delivered on huge maps, such as the scenario SirVer posted.

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 09:08
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Posted at: 2012-03-24, 12:19

Now that seafaring is in and r17 about to come -
Where do we list the ships by quantity and possibly by a name?
Are they wares and should have a place in the stock display?
Or are they houses?
Or do we need some extra listing for the ships that are build.
I'd prefer some extra UI element for "everything seafaring"

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Joined: 2012-04-04, 21:46
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2012-04-04, 22:40

do i need to enable something to get the small boats, and waterroads working?

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 19:31
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Posted at: 2012-04-05, 09:46

Small boats? Water roads? We by now have big ships, nothing else (apart from ports, that is). You ask for not implemented features. face-smile.png But I think, they will come one day. face-wink.png

Two is the oddest prime.

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Joined: 2011-06-29, 15:09
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Posted at: 2012-04-05, 17:24

I have a feature request.

I would like to be able to dedicate ships to go between certain ports.

I would also like to see a statistics window for ships to see how full they are on average. The ability to dismantle or burn ships would also be good incase you built too many ships.

Also, returning ships to closet port to unload would also be good. I've had boats freeze up full with wares.

Last thing is that I suggest that the load layout should be similar to the warehouse. Preferably with the ability to prefer/not allow certain wares. This would make it possible to have dedicated wheat ships or just dedicated ships at all.

Very cool with the basic seafaring though. Really looking forward to the evolution!

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