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Posted at: 2011-10-05, 00:29
You guys simple can't stop amazing me with awesome graphics. VERY nice work.
About the shade of blue, I agree that a lighter one would blend in more adequately.
Marcelo do Pagode Ubuntu 11.04 Colorado com muito orgulho!
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Posted at: 2011-10-05, 04:30
Thanks, Marcelo!
Okay, folks. I'm in a bit of a quandry about the warmill. (I knew I was going about it wrong by starting with the smallest building... should have started with the largest then pared stuff away like I did with the citadel-fortress. Ah, well. We're here now.)
Here is the shape of the warmill at this point. (This is a modeling screen without the surface material displayed. That's why the roofs and forges look strange.):

Not much, I know. (At least I squeezed a blacksmith bellows in there with a handle that can be operated from either forge.)
I need suggestions for what I can do to fit a full warmill within the white path markers.
I considered mirroring the forge ell structure on the left of the building, but there isn't space in the southwest to do a good job of it. Building upward is an option. And/or even "deepening" the building by pushing out the back wall a bit.
If it is any help, the upgrade from axefactory to warmill costs:
- trunk=1
- blackwood=1
- raw_stone=2
- grout=1
- thatchreed=1
Help me out here.
If you give me good suggestions, I might even consider animating the bellows.
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Posted at: 2011-10-05, 14:37
Very well, Chuck
I've tried to sort my ideas and write them down in a more or less reproducible way.
I hope some of this can kindle your inspiration a bit.
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-10-05, 14:50
Astuur wrote:
Very well, Chuck
I've tried to sort my ideas and write them down in a more or less reproducible way.
I hope some of this can kindle your inspiration a bit.
Thanks, Wolf. Every idea is appreciated. The descriptions with your comments are good grist for my imagination.
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Posted at: 2011-10-05, 21:49
Well, I've done some expansion work for the warmill and here is the result (without any equipment, tools or weapons):
This is pushing the back wall out AND raising the roof.
To test this design for yourself here is a smaller version to use with a hot spot of 61 75.
This MAY impact the axefactory and toolsmithy models. (I just KNEW I should have started with the biggest building first. Lesson learned.)
Comments please, ESPECIALLY if you run into any serious encroachment on the roads. NOW is the time to tell me!
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Posted at: 2011-10-06, 08:09
Tested the new model with your hotspot at various road encirclements on Greenland.
No problems to report - they all look good.
The carrier on a road parallel to the north-east wall will poke his head through the spot
underneath the eaves of the main roof and the chimneys.
Looks funny but needs no fixing.
Chuck, I'd do away with the 3rd fireplace in favor of an oilbath with multiple fluids.
But that is just a detail for later.
I wished I had a better understanding about what you're currently trying to do.... bellows?
Just a general remark: I don't think it is really worthwhile to care very much about the upgrade process and a "logical" sequence. Everybody watches it, while the models are new, but after a while
not many will still pay close attention. It may well be good enough, if it's not "absurd" at a first glance.
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-10-06, 15:15
Astuur wrote:
Tested the new model with your hotspot at various road encirclements on Greenland.
No problems to report - they all look good.
That's good to hear.
The carrier on a road parallel to the north-east wall will poke his head through the spot
underneath the eaves of the main roof and the chimneys.
Looks funny but needs no fixing.
Chuck, I'd do away with the 3rd fireplace in favor of an oilbath with multiple fluids.
But that is just a detail for later.
I wished I had a better understanding about what you're currently trying to do.... bellows?
I'm still working out the details, but this should give an idea of the general look I'm going for:
- Opening the front of the building gives more flexibility and detail options.
- Residence/office/sheltered-workshop on left in building.
- open smithy/workshop on right in building
- one large bellows (sheltered in the building) for the double forge
- The "bathtub" forge I had earlier was merely a place holder. It was replaced by the
- small forge for goldsmithing (at lower left)
- Additional small details to follow
Just a general remark: I don't think it is really worthwhile to care very much about the upgrade process and a "logical" sequence. Everybody watches it, while the models are new, but after a while
not many will still pay close attention. It may well be good enough, if it's not "absurd" at a first glance.
That is true. The build sequence should be adequate to explain the transition.
So, am I headed in the right direction do you think?
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Posted at: 2011-10-06, 17:55
Yep, I think this opens up quite a lot of new options.
This will work.
Can't wait to see what you come up with for animations later!
The increased height helps a lot.
So you are "going down" from the war mill, now after all?
The gold forge is a good idea - not sure if a special gold anvil is really needed.
The oils could be in custom made iron rectangle containers (use less space; axe heads are not so bulky anyhow)
The oil was sometimes heated before the weapons came in there and then slowly cooled down.
Ah well, we will see what happens
You think you can come up with some decent sparks flying when sharpening the blades? ;)
I am really curious!
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-10-06, 18:25
Astuur wrote:
Yep, I think this opens up quite a lot of new options.
This will work.
Can't wait to see what you come up with for animations later!
Me, too!
The increased height helps a lot.
So you are "going down" from the war mill, now after all?
Not sure what you mean by "going down"...?
The gold forge is a good idea - not sure if a special gold anvil is really needed.
I have tinkered with the goldsmith tools. Check this "idle" shot:
I have to remember to leave room for some weapons, too. The scene is getting rather "busy" even without animation.
The oils could be in custom made iron rectangle containers (use less space; axe heads are not so bulky anyhow)
Good idea.
The oil was sometimes heated before the weapons came in there and then slowly cooled down.
Ah well, we will see what happens
You think you can come up with some decent sparks flying when sharpening the blades?
I am really curious!
Maybe,..... we'll see.
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Posted at: 2011-10-06, 18:31
RE: "going down" - I get it now. Designing from the warmill "down" to the axefactory, etc.
Answer: Maybe. Let's see if I can pull off a reasonable build sequence from axefactory-to-warmill first.
Edited: 2011-10-06, 18:31
I see little people.