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Posted at: 2011-09-27, 19:56
I have grouped these three "medium" buildings together for the same reason that I did the fortress/citadel models, namely they are all upgrades to the same building site.
Here are the originals:
metalworks: axefactory: and warmill:
Using the recently completed rework of the helmsmithy as a guide, let's see what we can do with these buildings.
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Posted at: 2011-09-28, 08:44
The first thing that I dearly would like to see corrected is the way the roof looks. This roof is a compound that has been turned, mirrored and re-assembled, and you can see it only too clearly. (Even worse with the the non-angle buildings, where the roof is a subset of this and has never even developped a shape of its own.)
Some final touches to make the two halves a bit different from each other, would be really nice. The angle at the ridge of the roof seems a bit too sharp, too.
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-09-28, 16:22
For the thatched roof, I was thinking along the lines of something like this: 
or this

with perhaps this treatment for the roof similar to the helmsmithy:
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Posted at: 2011-09-28, 16:45
Technically only the last one is reed (I think) the others are straw.
Personally I don't mind the rounded shape with the ample materieal applied -
It's really just those point I mentioned.
On the other hands your examples are also very fine.
As for craftsmanship, I'd favor the 1st one - the latest is definitely too advanced and also needlessly complicated.
Do you see, that the seemingly protruding rafters are really such? In fact they have no relation to the construction.
They are additional elements placed on the roof to prevent loss of reed from high winds.
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-09-28, 16:59
Astuur wrote:
Technically only the last one is reed (I think) the others are straw.
Personally I don't mind the rounded shape with the ample materieal applied -
It's really just those point I mentioned.
On the other hands your examples are also very fine.
As for craftsmanship, I'd favor the 1st one - the latest is definitely too advanced and also needlessly complicated.
Yes. I included that for purely the treatment of the peak.
Do you see, that the seemingly protruding rafters are really such? In fact they have no relation to the construction.
They are additional elements placed on the roof to prevent loss of reed from high winds.
I did note that. I, of course, assumed they were more structural in nature and that they supported the ridge pole... a point I feel obligated to correct in the helmsmithy. I'm gaining an education in architecture (and a host of other things) as an added benefit of doing graphics for Widelands!
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Posted at: 2011-09-29, 04:28
Okay. Here is my first crack at remodeling the metalworks. I should be able to tweak the size a little bit larger as the gauge shows.
original: remodel: 
map gauge:
You will see that I am learning more about thatch roofing and trying to apply what I am picking up.
I'm pretty happy with the architecture and textures. I may add a window like in the original. (BTW - The red tinge on the front of the building is from the fire in the forge.
I gave the forge area a shed roof like the helmsmithy. It will allow for some good upgrading potential for the axe_factory and war_mill. Looking at it just now, I think I'll try slanting the shed roof to the southeast instead of the northeast.
I also still have to finish the ground texture and add some manufactured wares.
Comments, suggestions, ideas?
Edited: 2011-09-29, 04:28
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Posted at: 2011-09-29, 07:15
If you can, and if it is not too much work for you, I'd ask you to please
show the important models at larger scale initially. I'm having problems with the details in so small a thing.
In return, I promise not to comment about things that you won't be able to recognize in the correct size

Thoughts: How about placing a window on the west wall and adjusting the wood structure to that? The space on and before the south wall offers many other potential uses for later.
...assumed they were more structural in nature and that they supported the ridge pole... a point I feel obligated to correct in the helmsmithy.
You shouldn't. I have seen what you had in mind, too. It was on a very old house in some historic park. So these things did exist. Tried to find that, but cannot. I have looked at too many thached roofs in the last days
You may be right about the slanting of the shed, but it is hard to decide without a comparison.
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-09-29, 17:57
Astuur wrote:
If you can, and if it is not too much work for you, I'd ask you to please
show the important models at larger scale initially. I'm having problems with the details in so small a thing.
In return, I promise not to comment about things that you won't be able to recognize in the correct size
I was afraid that I had spoiled you with the larger images and this confirms my fears.
Thoughts: How about placing a window on the west wall and adjusting the wood structure to that? The space on and before the south wall offers many other potential uses for later.
Something like this?:
...assumed they were more structural in nature and that they supported the ridge pole... a point I feel obligated to correct in the helmsmithy.
You shouldn't. I have seen what you had in mind, too. It was on a very old house in some historic park. So these things did exist. Tried to find that, but cannot.
Okay, I won't fix something that isn't broken.
I have looked at too many thached roofs in the last days
You, too?
You may be right about the slanting of the shed, but it is hard to decide without a comparison.
I'll work up a couple.
Edited: 2011-09-29, 18:45
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Posted at: 2011-09-29, 18:44
Re: Shed Roof Angle
While I could adjust the pitch and direction of the shed roof ad infinitum, I favor MW3. The roof is actually pitched back toward the main building. Which is unlikely in real life, but seems to work the best for our purposes IMHO. Its orientation blends best with the roof of the main building and offers the best view of the space beneath.
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Posted at: 2011-09-29, 19:48
I totally agree to MW3.
Since you have taken away the supporting post in MW3, it seems to be attached to the main roof.
While I can see, that you have made and attempt to let some reed cover the gap,
I think there could be some more of it.
Also -- frankly -- I can see that the shed roof is slanted towards the main building,
which is an unforgivable sin constructionwise. Can't you try to make the insertion point a bit higher?
Yes, Chuck - I have been reeding booklets about the "how to" of thatching roofs;
Or do you really think, I had always known the tricks of the trade
And I already strongly suspected you did likewise.
A good (though commercial) starting point is this
What else?
The new window is very nice.
Also the furnace with added fire.
You could make the reddish glow of the fire a little more orange.
It's the same light that it sends towards the eye and the surrounding walls.
So the colors should match.
Well, actually everything is pretty perfect already.
Maybe you could broaden the door a little more?
There is a shadow near the eastern ridge, that I cannot explain. (In all models)
You have not yet decided about the floor?
Some irregular slabs of granite, may be?
That is all I can think of.
The next one will be the Axefactory?
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).