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Topic: Win Conditions

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Posted at: 2020-10-30, 00:30

So, what is your favourite win condition and why?

I think I've decided mine is Territorial Lord. I was playing autocrat/artifact but the first means you gotta play to the bitter end and the latter is not available for all scens. Getting 50% of the land is enough to prove you're gonna win.

The 4 hr time limit ones are OK I guess if you want a quick game. Too much of a rush & hurry for me. Collector/Gnome are unusual (to me a wargamer) for sure and I try them on occasion for variety.

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Joined: 2020-07-11, 16:49
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Posted at: 2020-10-30, 08:24

My favourite win condition is autocrat because it's very logical.

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Posted at: 2020-10-30, 09:48

I never use the 4-hours conditions. Way too hurried for my liking. My favourite is Endless because then I can decide when I consider the game won, which is usually when the map has no space for more buildings left face-smile.png

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 22:16
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Posted at: 2020-10-30, 10:02

in SP there isn't any other WC useful rather then the territorials and Autocrat or endless, as the AI does not know about the other WC nor has it any code for this (at least for the moment being).
But in MP I remember a very nice tournament game in woodgnome, where first me and my opponent tried to win by defeating each other but not managed it in 3,5 hours and then we were forced to use the trees, this was really exciting as one needed to keep up the economy to be able to defend oneself and in the meantime use every space affordable for trees while only cutting them if really needed.

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Posted at: 2020-10-30, 20:15

hessenfarmer wrote: in SP there isn't any other WC useful rather then the territorials and Autocrat or endless, as the AI does not know about the other WC nor has it any code for this (at least for the moment being).

Whoa! This I did not realize. Since I will never play MP (again, one time was enough) this is very important info.

So Wood Gnome and Collectors are not usable vs the computer at all? Perhaps there should be a warning about this somewhere...

I recall playing Artifact and it seemed the AI was trying to take them.

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