Topic: Some small Ideas, improving a lot
the-x![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 14:11
The Altanter need something like experience in the smithy, so that not so bleak times arise that after 16 minutes you have a full hero or in the game after 19 minutes. This is way too early, not only because they have a significant advantage over the others (it doesn't help that they have fewer units to start with), there is nothing better than one full hero ... except two full heroes Die Altanter brauchen so etwas wie Erfahrung in der Schmiede, damit nicht so krasse Zeiten entstehen, dass man nach 16 min nen vollen Helden hat bzw. im Spiel nach 19 min. Das ist viel zu früh, nicht nur weil sie einen erheblichen Vorteil zu den anderen haben (da bringt es auch nicht viel dass sie weniger Einheiten zum Start haben), es außer einen vollen Helden nichts besseres gibt ... außer zwei volle Helden ![]() ![]() |
the-x![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 14:16
In statistics, we could add one graph showing how strong the economy is
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the-x![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 14:36
Difficulty of the AI the AI starts with normal soldiers that have x upgrades in attack value normal x=0 challenging x=1 very hard x=2 epic x=3 unbeatable x=4 ![]() ![]() |
hessenfarmer![]() |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 14:43
this suggestion lacks the fact that not every tribe has so much attack upgrades. ![]() ![]() |
einstein13![]() |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 14:48
Sorry, this is against Atlanteans idea. They are supposed to be high-tech civilisation with all buildings (and workers) available on the highest level from the beginning. Preventing "fully trained soldier" should be done in other way. Or shouldn't? As far as I know, there are many strategies and training only one soldier does not say that you win. einstein13 ![]() ![]() |
the-x![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 15:03
Yes, couldnt this easily be done - for example if we set x to 4 it works for all tribes and fir atlantean we could make instead amor instead or we reduces it to x=2 which also gives nice situations? You can set up interesting games against AI then, ill look for the post though what argument should be against it? ![]() ![]() |
the-x![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 15:05
Alternatively we can create a counter when you choose the AI you can set with how many soldiers it starts? ![]() ![]() |
Nordfriese![]() |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 15:41
Campaigns can now define difficulty stages. The player gets to choose the difficulty in the scenario select screen and the choice is made available to the scripts. +1 for the suggestion to give stronger AIs better starting conditions, though I wouldn't call an AI epic or unbeatable just because it starts with slightly better trained soldiers ![]() ![]() |
hessenfarmer![]() |
Posted at: 2020-04-10, 16:38
I have not said it will be easy, I just said we might havre the chance to do something in this direction. Coding is not easy it his work and needs time. ![]() ![]() |
blind3rdeye![]() |
Posted at: 2020-04-11, 06:25
I would appreciate ways to boost AI players would boost AI players - but I don't think stronger starting soldiers is the way to do it. There are already ways to give the AI a starting advantage - you can make them start with a town while you only have a HQ; or you can even give yourself "basic outpost" starting conditions to make it harder. Strong starting soldier would be different to that, but similar in the sense that it is only the early game that is harder. Or do you mean that all newly trained soldiers would have the free bonus? For me, I'd prefer a way to make the AI stronger in the mid-game rather than the early game. Here are two ideas that I've been throwing around in my mind to give AI players an (optional) 'unfair' advantage:
My thinking is that when I play a game vs the AI, the outcome essentially comes down to what happens at first contact; because the AI basically just attacks until they run out of soldiers. So if I'm strong enough to defend my core infrastructure, I win; otherwise I lose. When the AI has a starting advantage, it means I have to try to avoid a fight to survive the early game; but once I'm set up, the early game advantage doesn't matter anymore. I'd prefer if the AI's advantage was a bit more persistent. This way, in a FFA with AI players, the later players might still offer some resistance. Ultimately though I think what the AI really needs is better decision making. They seem able to run only a basic economy, and rather than scaling up, they seem to fill most their land with sentries (which they don't even have enough soldiers to fill). Maybe one day I'll have a shot at trying to improve it. That reminds me, I did glance at the building selection code. I didn't read through it enough to get an understanding of how it works, but I did notice something that seems like it is a probably a mistake.
Just from context alone, I'd guess that this line should read Edited: 2020-04-11, 06:29
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