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Topic: Maps from release 17

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Joined: 2014-05-06, 23:20
Posts: 10
Pry about Widelands
Location: Top End, Australia
Posted at: 2014-05-08, 00:14

I just noticed with some embarrassment that the maps I uploaded don't work properly in release 18.

They were made in release 17 and had deposits for Iron, Gold, Stone and Coal.

When I open them in release 18 all those deposits are only Iron.

Won't take me long to fix but is there any way I can remove the ones I already uploaded once I've fixed it?



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Joined: 2014-05-06, 23:20
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Pry about Widelands
Location: Top End, Australia
Posted at: 2014-05-08, 01:24

Sorry, my bad.

The maps I made work properly with all the resources exactly as I created them.

I was tricked by the new build-help graphic for where you can put mines.

Wow, that's ugly. What was wrong with the old pick axe symbol?

I'm going to change it back to the old symbol in my installation.



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Joined: 2014-05-06, 23:20
Posts: 10
Pry about Widelands
Location: Top End, Australia
Posted at: 2014-05-12, 05:48

OK, looks like my maps didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped - ships can't pass the shallow crossings. face-sad.png

Admittedly, I originally created those maps in Build16, and then when 17 came out all I did was add some ports.

Oh well. Maybe some of my ideas will help others with their map designs. Even if you don't like anything of my design they make a very handy grid that you can use to help make your own maps more equal for all the players.

Please feel free to edit those maps as you please to suit yourselves. I'd be impressed if some version of them ended up being used as a tournament map, and I like to share. I don't care if someone else's name ends up on them.

As for myself, I'm still happy playing them. I like to play with many 100's of partly trained soldiers as quickly as I can get them and taking ground as quickly as I can. Those maps were designed so that I didn't have to bother upgrading my mines and therefore didn't have to bother upgrading any of the other infrastructure either. I also never bother to build a Trainings Camp, just a couple of Battle Arena's. Recently when playing Archipelago Action I attacked the Orange guy and lost more than 600 soldiers without gaining much ground. I think the AI likes that map. Luckily I could easily afford to lose 600 soldiers. I haven't been able to beat Island Insanity with all 8 players, I'm too slow and too many hit me at once and I'm a bad looser that cries when he's hit. face-grin.png



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