Topic: Servers
Duke Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2009-03-02, 19:11
Hello. Tell IP of me some internet servers please. I want play widelands online Top Quote |
Nasenbaer |
Posted at: 2009-03-02, 19:36
Best go to our irc-channel via and ask around if anyone wants to play - we don't have a metaserver yet, so one player must host a game and give the other player(s) the IP Please be also aware that the player hosting a game either needs a direct internet connection (no router between modem and pc) or must forward the ports - and of course the ports must be open in the firewall... But well that all sounds like a lot of work, but it definitely isn't So please just join the chat and ask around. Cheers Nasenbaer Top Quote |
Duke Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2009-03-02, 20:13
Thanks. But nobody write messages in chat(( Top Quote |
Nasenbaer |
Posted at: 2009-03-02, 20:16
Well, perhaps you have to wait some minutes. But well even that is no warranty for a internetgame - if you are unlucky noone of the people in the chat has enough time for a internet game - I for myself am bit busy at the moment, else I would happily play with you Top Quote |