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Topic: Out Of Fish

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Joined: 2010-04-17, 12:56
Posts: 42
Pry about Widelands
Location: Louvain, Belgium
Posted at: 2013-07-04, 22:09

Currently playing Wisent Valley with Atlanteans and I only have a rather small pond to fish. I put two fisher's houses and one breeder but after a few hours of play I got the message that I am out of fish. Breeder and fishermen have dropped to 0%.

Does this mean that i overfished the pond and killed all life?

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Joined: 2011-12-30, 16:37
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Posted at: 2013-07-04, 22:27

Does this mean that i overfished the pond and killed all life?

Yes, and it will never come back (sounds theatrical, but that is a difficulty the Atlanteans have to handle with). You need two breeders and three fishers to keep the balance (assuming the time they spend walking is equal). Furthermore, neither fishers nore breeders can work at coast lines covered with roads (in your case, the breeder has to walk a short distance, while the fishers can fish "next to their doors"). For more information, see

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Joined: 2010-04-17, 12:56
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Pry about Widelands
Location: Louvain, Belgium
Posted at: 2013-07-05, 09:17

Thank you, actually I tried to read to that big thread before but it left me even more confused than before. The hunt for a new fishing ground may start then. Luckily I have over 100 fishes in stock.

I didn't know either that the roads at the lake will make it impossible to fish / breed, I should have build my roads away from the coastline then, thanks.

Edited: 2013-07-05, 09:19

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Joined: 2009-12-29, 21:47
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Posted at: 2013-07-06, 08:45

Now I remember what I wanted to propose long time ago about fish... face-wink.png

We always have (and have to defend) the strangeness of our fishing system - while at one "spot" all fish are gone and never come back, the next spot, in the same waters, can be so full of fish that the breeder can't work. Our animals on the land masses are walking about and may end up in the kettles of tribes far away which don't even breed...

Let's make the same with the fish. But only in a slightly more unrealistic way than it is now, to keep the balance and the feeling.

Every once in a while (not too often, say, every 10 game minutes?), the game checks if there is a water spot full with fish (>95% of its capacity), and a water spot adjacent to it with 0 fish. In that case, some of the fish start wandering to the other spot. Result: in the original spot, 15% of the capacity of the fish disappear, in the other, formerly dead spot, there are suddenly 5% of its capacity. That's only a few, so balance for other tribes than the Atlanteans is kept - but the Atlanteans can then start breeding in those few fish in the formerly dead spot. A lake, completely fished dead, will not recover this way. Ocean shore can recover.

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Joined: 2009-04-23, 11:42
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Posted at: 2013-07-09, 18:27

I rather like QCS's idea - similar to how trees self-seed.

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Joined: 2012-10-11, 15:21
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Location: Alemania
Posted at: 2013-10-08, 13:35

See in this Context Reaction-Dynaamic for Chemistry: It's about.. Log_e and -1 . which should well map realisitc Behavior to Fish-Regeneration: If there are few Fishes than they can not regenerate as fast as if they are doubled (Matter of Population) and if Population is large resp close to effective Limitation by limited Food-Resources by Fishes they could grow quickly but limited Food-Resources means that just rather tight Regeneration means slower Increase of Populations approximating to theoreticel upper Limit. Can sadly not remind on precise Formula but really good Chemistricals should know that Formular. That Curve is Point-Symmetric. I think we don't need a Lot for Sea-Trees-Fish. How we do ArtWork? face-grin.png No Joker - if per Random very unlikely factoring in Population this or that Time the Fishes jump out of Water than that Area would appear more dynamic and interesting. Actually there swim just Ducks that never fly or left it to Land.

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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