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Topic: give some bonus to the defender?

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 17:35
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 00:08

@ stonerl: there's nothing wrong with your formulas; I'd just prefer that having military buildings would be important.

right now, we have all those fancy castles and fortresses with rampart and buttresses and embrasures and they do absolutely nothing to help your defence.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 09:32

I have changed the healing formula for soldiers in the field to:

heal_per_second * conquer_radius / max(air_distance * 4U, 1U)

For a Barbarian Tower with heal_per_second == 150 and conquer_radius == 9, we get the following curve:

Distance Healing
9 37
8 42
7 48
6 56
5 67
4 84
3 112
2 168
1 337
0 1350

I have capped this at heal_per_second, so we get:

Distance Healing
9 37
8 42
7 48
6 56
5 67
4 84
3 112
2 150
1 150
0 150

This will heal about 1/2 of a rookie's hitpoints on the way home from an attack.

right now, we have all those fancy castles and fortresses with rampart and buttresses and embrasures and they do absolutely nothing to help your defence.

I'd like giving the player more reasons to build those too, which is why I put the conquer radius in the formula.

Edited: 2020-03-05, 09:35

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Joined: 2018-07-29, 23:03
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 11:24

GunChleoc wrote:

I have changed the healing formula for soldiers in the field to:

~~~~ heal_per_second * conquer_radius / max(air_distance * 4U, 1U) ~~~~

This will heal about 1/2 of a rookie's hitpoints on the way home from an attack.

right now, we have all those fancy castles and fortresses with rampart and buttresses and embrasures and they do absolutely nothing to help your defence.

I'd like giving the player more reasons to build those too, which is why I put the conquer radius in the formula.


Edited: 2020-03-05, 13:50

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Joined: 2015-08-02, 10:56
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 11:41


This is based on the home-building, I guess? Maybe increase the maximum rate if more military buildings are nearby?

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Joined: 2018-07-29, 23:03
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 13:39

I play tested this a little. It makes combat a little more dynamic. Attacking soldiers also heal on their way back home and on their way to the enemy when on home soil. I like it so far.

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Joined: 2020-03-04, 21:11
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 16:13

I didn't read through all pages, so excuse if it has already been suggested:

What about a new building like a "hospital" that heals in an area around it or even sends out doctors to heal soldiers that are not fighting?

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 18:10

JanO wrote:

This is based on the home-building, I guess?


Maybe increase the maximum rate if more military buildings are nearby?

We can always implement that later if we think the effect needs to be stronger.

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 17:35
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Posted at: 2020-03-05, 19:06

Native wrote:

I didn't read through all pages, so excuse if it has already been suggested:

What about a new building like a "hospital" that heals in an area around it or even sends out doctors to heal soldiers that are not fighting?

i had ideas for something similar, by mean of a building with a very small conquer radius but a large amount of soldiers it can take and a huge healing factor.

however, i'd say it's premature. first thing is making those changes and seeing if they give the intended effect.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 03:10
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Posted at: 2020-03-09, 18:27

Some thoughts about this:

  • Defenders don't have to be passive, they can also launch counter-attacks
  • Increasing the healing that much could be overpowered
  • it's okay that quick attacking works fine on maps with small distances, because this increases the variety of the game.
  • a "hospital" could be an idea for a new tribe, but it's not the best way to change the existing tribes that much / making them more complicated
  • many of the healing formulas in this thread are way too complicated in my opinion

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2020-03-09, 19:23

The currently proposed healing formula is:

heal_per_second * conquer_radius / max(air_distance * 4, 1)

I wouldn't say that's too complicated. If it should turn out to be too overpowered, we can always increase the 4 to nerf it.

Busy indexing nil values

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