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Topic: Neuer Siedler Spielmodus / New settler game mode

Joined: 2017-01-17, 17:07
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Posted at: 2020-02-16, 13:17

This feature requires a number of coding changes, so you'll need to compile the branch (linux/mac) or install the appveyor build when it's ready(windows).

Once installed you can choose the Discovery starting condition for any tribe in the game setup screen.

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Posted at: 2020-02-16, 13:24

Nordfriese wrote:

This feature requires a number of coding changes, so you'll need to compile the branch (linux/mac) or install the appveyor build when it's ready(windows).

Once installed you can choose the Discovery starting condition for any tribe in the game setup screen.

I have some difficulties with appveyor / windows. Can we make it a master build so just download the package?

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Posted at: 2020-02-16, 13:27

PRs are master builds by default face-wink.png

(updated link: ID: master-6226

Just wait until your desired build config (x64/x86, debug/release) is marked as completed in the link above, then click it, choose the Artifacts tab, and download the installer.

Edited: 2020-02-16, 13:49

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Posted at: 2020-02-17, 16:48

Wow, i cant believe this. This game mode is greater as I ever expected. The settler mode is incredible, give it a try. I played 27 to 3 islands with him ... and I am fascinated, overwhelmed, simply fascinated how it works between the whole islands, from the choice of starting point to the first goods, the first lumberjack, alone at the edge of the forest on island A, then I found stones on B, but I don't have enough space on both, so the lime distillery and barracks come to the somewhat larger island, on which the KI surprisingly built 2 ports. The AI ​​plays amazingly intelligent, but sometimes comes to stagnation (possibly wood, reed, lime +3).

It's unbelievable, and fun, something like that, then the first lime comes to be shipped to Island B. If you could only build wells of springs / fresh water now, the settlement would be even more fascinating. But folks, I'm speechless. Here again at Nordfriese for the implementation, unbelievable what you can achieve with a few ships for a settler feeling.


  • Slightly increase star resources (see above wood, reed, lime +3)
  • Settings menu for the number of ships

  • We also need more ships for the AI, with three it does not get along, because it first expands, builds barracks, brewery and fisherman's house, whereby I would first build lumberjacks, quarries, the AI ​​does not get along with minimalres. Nevertheless, it is interesting to watch the AI, it also colonizes islands with me and sometimes after the second expansion I see an AI on the neighboring island.


All in all, Settler Mode is one of the best game modifications I've ever enjoyed - the-x


Der Siedler Modus ist unglaublich, probiert ihn gerne mal aus. Ich habe 27 zu 3 Inseln mit ihm gespielt ... und ich bin fasziniert, überwältigt, einfach fasziniert wie das klappt zwischen den ganzen Inseln, von der Startplatzwahl über die ersten Waren, der erste Holzfäller, alleine an nem Waldrand auf Insel A, dann Steine hab ich auf B gefunden, hab aber auf beiden zu wenig Platz, deshalb kommen Kalkbrennerei und Barracken auf die etwas größere Insel, auf der überraschenderweise die KI 2 Häfen errichtet hat. Die KI spielt erstauinlich intelligent, kommt aber manchmal doch zur Stagnation (evtl Holz, Reet, Kalk +3).

Es ist unglaublich, und macht Spaß, so etwas von, dann kommt der erste Kalk der auf Insel B verschifft wird. Wenn man jetzt nur noch Brunnen an Quellen / Süßwasser bauen könnte wäre das Ursiedeln noch faszinierender. Aber Leute, ich bin sprachlos. Hier nochmal an Nordfriese für die Umsetzung, unglaublich was man mit ein paar Schiffen für ein Siedlergefühl erreichen kann.

Ideen: - Startressourcen ganz leicht vergrößern (s.o. Holz, Reet, Kalk +3)

  • Einstellmenü für die Anzahl der Schiffe

  • gerade für die KI brauchen wir mehr Schiffe, mit drei kommt sie nicht zurecht, weil sie zunächst expandiert, Barracken baut, Brauerei und Fischerhaus, wobei ich zunächst Holzfäller, Steinbruch bauen würde, mit Minimalres kommt die KI nicht zurecht. Nichts desto trotz ist es intressant die KI zu beobachten, sie besiedelt mit mir auch Inseln und manchmal nach der zweiten Expansion seh ich ne KI auf der Nachbarinsel.


Alles in allem ist der Siedler Modus eine der besten Spielmodifikationen die ich je genossen habe - the-x



Mir kam gerade eine Idee von einem abwechslungsreichen neunen Spielmodus, der das Gefühl des Siedelns oder Wuselns ganz neue Möglichkeiten bietet. Man startet mit 3 Schiffen, dazu können wir eigentlich alle unsere Karten gut nutzen, die Wasser drum herum haben oder natürlich auch ein schönes Archipel bilden. Daraufhin kann jeder Spieler 3 Standorte aussuchen, an denen er wie gewohnt über das Menü einen Hafen bauen kann, wenn er mit den Schiffen dort angelegt hat. Als nächstes kommt ein unglaublich spannendes Siedeln, ich habe es die letzten Tage oft ausprobiert, dabei jeweils immer erst Hafen / Werft errichtet, was allem in allem doch lange dauert. Man siedelt nun auf den drei Standorten, sendet Eisen hin und her, und baut langsam aber stetig seine Siedlung aus, Kontakte mit anderen Spielern verlaufen viel spannender, weil man nicht mehr nur plump angreift, bzw. einfach auf ne Grenze stößt, sondern weil man viel mehr überlegen muss. Ich bin begeistert von diesem neuen Spielmodus.

So schön war Siedeln noch nie.


Edited: 2020-02-17, 17:02

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 17:07
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Posted at: 2020-02-17, 17:34

Thanks for the praise; I'm glad you like my feature face-smile.png

  • Slightly increase start resources (see above wood, reed, lime +3)

Increased these three by 2 for the barbarian start. Any other wares that need tweaking?

  • Settings menu for the number of ships

That would be difficult. I'm against having start-condition specific UI elements in the game setup screen, and allowing players to choose this after the game starts would be unfair in multiplayer. What we could do though is to have two starting conditions "Discoverers (easy)" and "Discoverers (hard)" with different amounts of ships (2 and 4?) and resources…

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Posted at: 2020-02-17, 17:42

Nordfriese wrote:

Thanks for the praise; I'm glad you like my feature face-smile.png

  • Slightly increase start resources (see above wood, reed, lime +3)

Increased these three by 2 for the barbarian start. Any other wares that need tweaking?

Maybe you have more experience what wares they all need, but the feeling is that Imperium needs more (wine, marble)

  • Settings menu for the number of ships

That would be difficult. I'm against having start-condition specific UI elements in the game setup screen, and allowing players to choose this after the game starts would be unfair in multiplayer. What we could do though is to have two starting conditions "Discoverers (easy)" and "Discoverers (hard)" with different amounts of ships (2 and 4?) and resources…

This sounds very interesting. We can make "Settler" witch 3 ships, and for large maps "Discovery" with 7 ships. I will start to make in map editor specific maps for this. I like 3 ships so much, because you clearly have in your mind where which ships is, which wares they carry. With 2 ships its only a way and way back. And on fun seafaring maps, we can play some nice games with 7 harbors which makes it possible to have an own iron / gold island, and we can have more wares which makes the game not the extremly mimimum start, what i also like, but the normal start where you dont need to wait to long for your only one woodcutter to cut all the wood which we have with 3 ships at the moment.

Edited: 2020-02-17, 17:50

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Posted at: 2020-02-17, 17:45

Yes, maybe i would give a 2nd soldier and three woodcutters

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 12:23
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Posted at: 2020-02-17, 17:57

An Idea:

For Discovery:

      log = 15,
      granite = 10,
      planks = 8,
      spidercloth = 4,
      iron = 4,
      atlanteans_stonecutter = 3,
      atlanteans_woodcutter = 3,
      atlanteans_forester = 2,
      atlanteans_geologist = 2,
      atlanteans_miner = 5,
      atlanteans_smelter = 2,
      atlanteans_toolsmith = 1,
      atlanteans_baker = 1,
      atlanteans_smoker = 2,
      atlanteans_fisher = 1,
      atlanteans_soldier = 3,
      log = 15,
      granite = 4,
      blackwood = 8,
      grout = 2,
      iron = 4,
      barbarians_stonemason = 3,
      barbarians_lumberjack = 3,
      barbarians_ranger = 2,
      barbarians_gardener = 1,
      barbarians_geologist = 2,
      barbarians_miner = 2,
      barbarians_smelter = 2,
      barbarians_blacksmith = 1,
      barbarians_innkeeper = 1,
      barbarians_fisher = 1,
      barbarians_soldier = 3,
      log = 15,
      granite = 8,
      planks = 8,
      marble = 8,
      iron = 4,
      empire_stonemason = 3,
      empire_lumberjack = 3,
      empire_forester = 2,
      empire_geologist = 2,
      empire_miner = 2,
      empire_smelter = 2,
      empire_toolsmith = 1,
      empire_innkeeper = 1,
      empire_fisher = 1,
      empire_soldier = 3,
      log = 15,
      granite = 8,
      brick = 16,
      reed = 8,
      iron = 4,
      frisians_stonemason = 3,
      frisians_woodcutter = 3,
      frisians_forester = 2,
      frisians_brickmaker = 1,
      frisians_reed_farmer = 1,
      frisians_geologist = 2,
      frisians_miner = 2,
      frisians_smelter = 2,
      frisians_blacksmith = 1,
      frisians_smoker = 1,
      frisians_fisher = 1,
      frisians_soldier = 3

For Settler, 3 ships:

      log = 7,
      granite = 5,
      planks = 4,
      spidercloth = 6,
      iron = 2,
      atlanteans_stonecutter = 2,
      atlanteans_woodcutter = 3,
      atlanteans_forester = 2,
      atlanteans_geologist = 1,
      atlanteans_miner = 3,
      atlanteans_smelter = 2,
      atlanteans_toolsmith = 1,
      atlanteans_baker = 2,
      atlanteans_smoker = 2,
      atlanteans_fisher = 1,
      atlanteans_soldier = 3,
      log = 7,
      granite = 2,
      blackwood = 5,
      grout = 4,
      iron = 2,
      barbarians_stonemason = 2,
      barbarians_lumberjack = 3,
      barbarians_ranger = 2,
      barbarians_gardener = 1,
      barbarians_geologist = 1,
      barbarians_miner = 2,
      barbarians_smelter = 2,
      barbarians_blacksmith = 1,
      barbarians_innkeeper = 2,
      barbarians_fisher = 1,
      barbarians_soldier = 3,
      log = 6,
      granite = 3,
      planks = 4,
      marble = 8,
      iron = 2,
      empire_stonemason = 2,
      empire_lumberjack = 3,
      empire_forester = 2,
      empire_geologist = 1,
      empire_miner = 2,
      empire_smelter = 2,
      empire_toolsmith = 1,
      empire_innkeeper = 2,
      empire_fisher = 1,
      empire_soldier = 3,
      log = 6,
      granite = 2,
      brick = 10,
      reed = 10,
      iron = 2,
      frisians_stonemason = 2,
      frisians_woodcutter = 3,
      frisians_forester = 2,
      frisians_brickmaker = 1,
      frisians_reed_farmer = 1,
      frisians_geologist = 1,
      frisians_miner = 2,
      frisians_smelter = 2,
      frisians_blacksmith = 1,
      frisians_smoker = 1,
      frisians_fisher = 1,
      frisians_soldier = 3,
Edited: 2020-02-21, 17:48

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Posted at: 2020-02-17, 17:59

For Amazons (and Empire) i dont know yet

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 17:07
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Posted at: 2020-02-17, 18:59

An Idea:

For Discovery:


For Settler, 3 ships:


Great, implemented this face-smile.png

I called the modes "Discovery" (three ships) and "New World" (7 ships, comparatively few wares per ship)

Edit: I adjusted the frisian conditions to get a claydigger and one less log or brick

Edited: 2020-02-17, 19:03

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