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Topic: scenario AI

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Posted at: 2017-03-18, 12:00

To find it just follow the overview link in kaputtniks post. To test it you can simple copy the campaign folder from launchpad to Your Installation. The uploaded Files include most of your changes and 2 more objectives. If you have any problems just send me a PM.

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Posted at: 2017-03-18, 13:16

hessenfarmer, after 10 hours (game time) i like it very much. In the beginning the progress is slow, but when the first expedition is ready it becomes very interesting. A few things:

  1. After the first lifting of the fog of war showing the ship in the dangerous situation between the rocks, the map scrolls to the final start position. I think it would be better to darken the screen again, and then scroll to the final position.
  2. Somewhen i got a message "We should send a ship to the north to get certainty about the barbarians. ...". I Guess a player may not know at this time what kind of tribe there is. Maybe better speaking of a "foreign tribe", or just "Foreigners"?
  3. Neptune's shrine: It is unclear what pieces to search for, at least for a new player who may not know how an artefact looks like. There should be a hint some how, but i am unsure how this hint should look like. Maybe adding them to the image of saledus? Or/and move the map to a found artefact?
  4. There are two identical Images: Saledus.png and Saledus2.png.

Related to the artifacts: Looks like the message is only triggered if an artifact owned by the opponent is turned into 'my' artifact. The code looks a bit confused caused by the indentation.

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Posted at: 2017-03-18, 20:19

hi kaputtnik,

  1. I fully agree to this and tried to do so but the timing was somewhat wrong.I improved the code to do so using "hide_fields()" function but the fields do not get covered by the fog of war again. If there is a funtion to do so I'm more than happy to include this.

  2. The message you cited is the second objective of the send expeditions combined objective. While setting this objective Saledus tells that he has heard barbarian war drums from the north. So for me the objective made sense.

  3. I'll try to use one of the saledus images for that.

  4. the duplication of the images was a remain of some weird behaviour of the game while starting the scenario. Then the game crashed if i just copied a message using the same picture so I mad some copies. afterwards I discovered this could be used to add some diversity to the campaign windows. Of course the could use some more improvement but I thought they would do the trick. Now I will use one of them to add the artefacts pictures

  5. regarding the artifacts It should not matter who has owned the artefact before as the table artefact_owner is only populated if an artefact is owned by the player (at least once). and the message should triger whenever a row of the table is populated, but it doesn't. Although the rows are properly populated and the objective is declared done if all 5 artefacts are found by the player. I really don't know why so I need help with the code.

the weird indendation is due to my little experience and various copy paste actions. I never found the motivation to clean it up cause first I wanted it to run properly. If anybody would do so feel free or at least tell what the proper indentation would be.

regards hessenfarmer

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Posted at: 2017-03-18, 21:27

ok fixes are uploaded. I'm not sure whether the hide_fields behaviour is a bug. As it behaves exactly the same way in empire mission 1 and I think I remember it has really blackened out the fields in the past.

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Posted at: 2017-03-19, 19:45

hessenfarmer wrote:

  1. I fully agree to this and tried to do so but the timing was somewhat wrong.I improved the code to do so using "hide_fields()" function but the fields do not get covered by the fog of war again. If there is a funtion to do so I'm more than happy to include this.

Yes, you are right, i think either its a bug or a method is missing to 'unreveal' fields. Don't know...

  1. The message you cited is the second objective of the send expeditions combined objective. While setting this objective Saledus tells that he has heard barbarian war drums from the north. So for me the objective made sense.

Yes, i have overlooked this.

  1. I'll try to use one of the saledus images for that.

What do you think about this one ?

  1. regarding the artifacts It should not matter who has owned the artefact before as the table artefact_owner is only populated if an artefact is owned by the player (at least once). and the message should triger whenever a row of the table is populated, but it doesn't. Although the rows are properly populated and the objective is declared done if all 5 artefacts are found by the player. I really don't know why so I need help with the code.

Maybe GunChleoc can take a look at this? I am not that familiar with the lua stuff.

You have made a great job here face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2017-03-19, 20:16

Hi kaputtnik, thanks for the flowers. regarding the image I would prefer yours over mine. So if you want just exchange it in the branch on launchpad. regarding the lua script problems I think we really need help from an advanced programmer like GunChleoc. Although the chieftain can't deal with every little bit. regarding the behaviour I'm more and more convinced that the hide_fields function is broken somehow. I'll crosscheck with build 19 and eventually build 18 when this had happened and then I'll write a bug report.

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Posted at: 2017-03-20, 10:23

Yes, do file bug reports for the things that you need to make this scenario work.

Regarding the indentation, try running utils/ from a current development build.

Busy indexing nil values

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Posted at: 2017-03-21, 18:27

During another test game i ran into this trap: Iron ressource could net reached because the AI has build another tower and there is no buildings space left:

iron trap

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Posted at: 2017-03-21, 20:37

Hi I knew this is possible. But never experienced it in my tests. So I thought it would rather appear very seldom. But now I think I should fundamentally change this to make it not to difficult (It's just the third mission). So what do you think about exchanging the coal and iron ressources on the southern island against each other?

best regards Hessenfarmer

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Posted at: 2017-03-22, 18:07

I think it would be best if the map restrict building of the second tower. Maybe just adjust the terrain height or modifying the coast line?

About difficulty: I had trouble to find the gold resource and had to send a geologist several times to find the right spot(s) for building a mine. Another thing is that i had to increase the amount of wool in the configure economy menu, because the default is set to 10. A hint on these things would be nice.

The objective of 'Neptunes shrine' could be omitted, imho. The current state of this campaign is also good without this objective. Maybe it could be implemented in the next campaign face-smile.png

And i have to correct me regarding the branch: I, or some one else, couldn't make changes to the currently uploaded branch, because only hessenfarmer can change it (private branch).

@GunChleoc: Could you add hessenfarmer to the developers list? So he could upload his revision to lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/empire-mission-3

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