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Changes in GitPrimer

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Add workflows for merge and rebase

Revision Differences of Revision 10

Since we're planning to move to git eventually, I'll start collecting notes on this page. This should be a user's guide by the time we're done. ¶

[TOC] ¶

# Comparison with Bazaar ¶

Action | bzr | git ¶
-------- | -------- | -------- ¶
Switch to trunk | `cd ../trunk` | `git checkout master` ¶
Update trunk and merge into local branch | `cd ../trunk`; `bzr pull lp:widelands`; `cd ../<branch>`; `bzr merge ../trunk`; `bzr commit -m "Merged trunk."` | `git pull --rebase upstream master`; `git push origin <branch> --force` ¶
Show branches, with the current one highlighted | Use operating system to list directories | `git branch` ¶
Delete remote branch | Use Launchpad interface | `git push origin --delete <branch_name>` ¶
Delete local branch | Use operating system to delete directory | `git branch -d <branch_name>` ¶
Undo all changes | `bzr revert` | `git checkout .` ¶
Undo changes to a file | `bzr revert <file>` | `git checkout <file>` ¶
Get a remote branch and switch to it | `bzr branch <remote_branch_name> <new_local_branch>`; `cd <new_local_branch>` | `git checkout -b <new_local_branch> <remote_location>/<remote_branch_name>` ¶

# Workflow ¶

## Getting the code ¶

[![fork_and_clone.png](/wlmedia/wlimages/fork_and_clone.png)](/wlmedia/wlimages/fork_and_clone.png) ¶

## Working on your code ¶

[![git_commit_cycle.png](/wlmedia/wlimages/git_commit_cycle.png)](/wlmedia/wlimages/git_commit_cycle.png) ¶

## Synchonizing with the main repository / master branch ¶

### Merging ¶

[![git_merge_forkflow.png](/wlmedia/wlimages/git_merge_forkflow.png)](/wlmedia/wlimages/git_merge_forkflow.png) ¶

### Rebasing


# Checking out into subdirectories ¶

Since our bottleneck is compile time rather than disk space, we will want to be able to check out into subdirectories, just like Bazaar does it. There are 2 ways of doing this: ¶

1. Clone the full repository into a new directory and set up the remotes each time. This will support submodules. ¶
2. Use `git worktree` ([manual]( [blog]( This command will create a separate copy of submodules too, but [can handle only 1 level](