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Old Title


Editor Comment


Revision Differences of Revision 4

# The Empire (Romans) ¶

### To Do ¶

* Seafaring ¶
* Science (?) ¶
* Healers (?) ¶

### History ¶

(Here should stand a short text about the history, perhaps about Caesar or the wars against the European tribes.) ¶

### Buildings ¶

In the [documentation]( ¶

### Wares ¶

In the [documentation]( ¶

### Workers ¶

* Armoursmith ¶
* Baker ¶
* Brewer ¶
* Builder ¶
* Burner ¶
* Carpenter ¶
* Carrier ¶
* Farmer ¶
* Fisher ¶
* Forester ¶
* Geologist ¶
* Herdsman ¶
* Hunter ¶
* Innkeeper ¶
* Lumberjack ¶
* Master-Miner ¶
* Miller ¶
* Miner ¶
* Pig-Breeder ¶
* Smelter ¶
* Soldier ¶
* Requires a carrier
and, a wood lance and a helmet ¶
* Needs to be requested by a building ¶
* Stonemason ¶
* Trainer ¶
* Weaponsmith ¶
* Weaver ¶
* Winegrower ¶

### Critters ¶

* Sheep ¶

### Immovables ¶

* Flag ¶
* Border ¶
* Skeleton (dead worker) ¶