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Changes in BlueprintSoldiersNotFromWarehouse

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# A proposal to change the way soldiers are created. ¶

### Related links: ¶

* Discussion: <> ¶
* Blueprint: <> ¶

## Overview ¶

Blah: ¶

* list ¶
* list ¶
* list ¶

## Current State ¶

## Suggestions ¶

## Changes to the Game ¶

### A heading ¶

#### another heading ¶

## Roadmap ¶

The following items will be handled by this blueprint: ¶

* Add new Regions into widelands + Wrapping for Lua so that new Regions can be created. The old map regions are not to be touched, since they are conceptually different. ¶
* Add the tools and ui to the editor (will need that Lua is enabled in the editor which it isn't currently). ¶
* Implement the saving and loading hooks ¶
* Enhance/modify the existing Lua API to work with regions were appropriate and accept regions and fields were possible. ¶