News: Widelands 1.2 First Snow Feature Freeze

Widelands 1.2 First Snow Feature Freeze
… is now in place.
The First Snow Feature Freeze for the release of Widelands 1.2 has taken place on the evening of Sunday, the 31st of December, 2023.
What does this mean?
From now on, no further features and bugfixes will be accepted except those that have been decided to be critical for the next release. No changes to translatable strings are desired. There is still a batch of new strings incoming shortly from the new Naval Warfare feature.
The Winter Time Feature Freeze will take effect on Sunday, the 10th of March 2024.
The release candidate is due on Saturday, the 23rd of March 2024,
and the final release is planned for Saturday, the 30th of March 2024 (Easter Saturday).
And what does that mean for you?
You have only a few more weeks to update the translations for Widelands 1.2. Head over to Transifex (instructions can be found in our wiki) and add the missing translations for your language!
And play the current development version as much as you can and report bugs. Widelands 1.2 should be a rock solid release like all the others before it. Let's make it so.
The v1.2 Screenshots Submission is now open.
0 comments Posted by Nordfriese on 2023-12-10, 15:40