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Topic: Atlantian mission 2 bug?

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Joined: 2024-12-09, 10:52
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Posted at: 2024-12-09, 10:56

Not entirely sure what the issue is but the trading post will not recruit a trader and my toolsmith won't make a tool for one which is leading to this mission being impossible to ally with the yellow AI, if this part of the mission is currently broken i'll have to somehow survive the onslaught i guess.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2024-12-09, 11:15

If you open the building window of that building, you can open the help window of it (question mark button).

There you see the requested worker is a "trader".

Click on "trader" and you will see that a trader needs a scout and a horse. Both need to be in the same warehouse.

If you dont have a scout in the warehouse, build a scout hut and send the scout back out of the building. If you dont have a horse in the warehouse they might be on the roads. Rebuild those roads to speed it up.

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2024-12-09, 10:52
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Posted at: 2024-12-13, 09:35

I appreciate it, that helped the horse was just hanging out somewhere and i didn't have a horse farm. on a side note is there any other sources of iron on this map apart from the single deposit west in the ravine? i'm doing really poorly on these resource scarcity missions when it comes to keeping up with the AI in unit quality.

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2024-12-23, 22:41

I tried this scenario three times and I was never able to win. The Empire was always too strong. I even built a caste with some foresters to protect my territory by my third attempt. But as soon as I had done that, the Empire built a tower and conquered the castle. I should probably try for the fourth time, but I am afraid, it will be the same result.

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Joined: 2024-12-09, 10:52
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Posted at: 2024-12-24, 08:46

OIPUN wrote:

I tried this scenario three times and I was never able to win. The Empire was always too strong. I even built a caste with some foresters to protect my territory by my third attempt. But as soon as I had done that, the Empire built a tower and conquered the castle. I should probably try for the fourth time, but I am afraid, it will be the same result.

i did end up managing to beat this, not used to these style of games. i didn't speed up the game speed and i just rushed the mountains up north before tthe barbarians got through the forest, that gave me the resources i needed to set up a proper economy, i was always incredibly iron starved my first attempts at this missions and thats because all the proper deposits are far away. had like 20 heroes or so by the time i had to clean up the mission and that was enough to grind through the AI's.

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2024-12-24, 10:01

Well, I told myself maybe I should try it once again and here is the result. I know, I was not the quickest but I focused on delivering my shipments to barbarians asap to make him stronger and on protecting my territory by building a castle. And again I was lucky when I had build the castle, the empire tried to build a tower immediately but was not able to connect the construction site through the forest this time. I know my 5th attempt can be even more quick and when I will be lucky, I can probably win this. But still, I think the Empire should not be able to decimate the Barbarians so quickly.

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