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Topic: Naval Tournament 2023 Results

Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2023-10-22, 22:48

We loaded savegames, even before or in my successful attack, and now you want a savegame even before that to continue, which isn't fair and for the same

also you will now see any of my positions and where my units are so i completely favor the common idea by many to make the new and right version obligatory for the Game. Also we didnt really agree on one version, both favored one but you as host decided

So I really favor Nordfrieses suggestion to play with the newest Version.

Nordfriese wrote:

I have moved the tag and updated the installers in post #4. I strongly recommend using this one for round 4

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Posted at: 2023-10-23, 18:52

WorldSavior wrote:

I'd appreciate if somebody would create a savegame from the last replay (version of round 3) and investigate if this savegame leads to a crash. As I didn't have a crash, I think that it must be possible to continue the match.

Those replays are made with different versions of widelands. As far i understoud you started with version 7b7b190 (from August, probably the version for round 1, which causes several crashes) and then switched to version 6a9523 (from September, probably the version for round 3). As far in understand you switched the version and loaded the savegame from a previous buggy version face-sad.png I am not sure if this may lead to unforseeable crashes.

Anyway, starting a save game from the last replay does not crash for me, using two ai players. Runs at least 15 minutes now without a crash.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2023-10-24, 22:45

the-x wrote:

WorldSavior wrote:

First of all, he refused to play with the version of round 3, so we played with the version of round 2

I said i am flexible which Version we play, you hostet and you decided the Game Version

The rule was that the version is 3 or in a special case 4, but you didn't prepare for that.

The match isn't finished yet, because the-x stopped to answer in the lobby without telling a reason, instead of continuing.

I told you many reason, at least 3 times that i wont agree to load any savegame before or meanwhile my sucessfull attack where i sank 3 of your ships

The first crash was during this naval battle, so obviously you can't load a situation after this battle.

We loaded just before the end of the naval battle and this helped, then this naval battle was finished and we didn't load before it anymore.

but I didn't see an error message, I just saw that his connection disappeared.

of course you had the same error messages and you hostet the game

No. If so, I would have posted the error backtrace. Why didn't you do so?

In the match, I already have a huge advantage which can be seen in the statistics.

Only in Military


the-x wrote:

We loaded savegames, even before or in my successful attack, and now you want a savegame even before that to continue, which isn't fair and for the same

No, I'm talking about a savegame after it.

kaputtnik wrote:

WorldSavior wrote:

I'd appreciate if somebody would create a savegame from the last replay (version of round 3) and investigate if this savegame leads to a crash. As I didn't have a crash, I think that it must be possible to continue the match.

Those replays are made with different versions of widelands. As far i understoud you started with version 7b7b190 (from August, probably the version for round 1, which causes several crashes)

Its for round 2

and then switched to version 6a9523 (from September, probably the version for round 3). As far in understand you switched the version and loaded the savegame from a previous buggy version face-sad.png I am not sure if this may lead to unforseeable crashes.

I think it doesn't. The major difference between round 2 and round 3 is that round 3 is much more stable, right? So there shouldn't be an incompability

Anyway, starting a save game from the last replay does not crash for me, using two ai players. Runs at least 15 minutes now without a crash.

Thanks for testing. Nordfriese told me something very similar.

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2023-10-27, 19:47

Part 2 of my match vs the-x

Some bugs:

If your menu bar is at the top, you can't edge scroll to the top

Edge scrolling is also rather slow

If the guest leaves the match, it can take a long time until widelands realizes that there is a loss of conection. Or whatever the-x did...

Ships which are attacked by multiple ships might deal "area damage", or why is defeated / lost ships always so close together? A bigger fleet should lead to bigger wins.

Attachment: application/zip (2.8 MB)

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Posted at: 2023-10-29, 16:41

Me and kaputtnik had a relatively short and not too climactic game. (I'm in green and kaputtnik is in red)

No bugs were found while playing.

Attachment: application/octet-stream
Elefantenrennen_vs_kaputtnik_tournamentR4.wry (921.6 KB)

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Posted at: 2023-10-29, 16:48

For completeness: _Elefantenrennen played Amazons and i played Empire, _Elefantenrennen won the game.

Building up the empire economy takes just too long compared to Amazons, i think. I have tried several times but i need always round about 1,5 hours to get the first ship in every test game. Maybe if i focus on ship building it will be faster, but ship building isn't all in a game...

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2023-10-29, 22:44

kaputtnik wrote:

Building up the empire economy takes just too long compared to Amazons, i think.

It depends on the map. It might not be true for maps with a bad tree situation. However, some of the maps in the tournament had distant iron / coal, so in many cases Amazons had an advantage.

The thing is, you don't seem to be a player who plays the boom style. Instead, you invest into the colosseum early instead of a bigger economy....

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Posted at: 2023-10-30, 00:11

I was surprised that kaputtnik started so much slower than _Elefantenrennen. IIRC he is usually faster than that. So this one was less about the difference between the tribes and more about the speed of the players themselves.

As for the colosseum, I think the Empire can usually afford to build it early on the starting stocks, though it's more tricky to also supply it with enough bread fast enough.

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Posted at: 2023-10-30, 08:25

WorldSavior wrote:

kaputtnik wrote:

Building up the empire economy takes just too long compared to Amazons, i think.

It depends on the map. It might not be true for maps with a bad tree situation. However, some of the maps in the tournament had distant iron / coal, so in many cases Amazons had an advantage.

On maps with bad tree situation (terrains where trees grow bad) Amazons have also an advantage, because their trees grow well where other (normal) trees don't.

The thing is, you don't seem to be a player who plays the boom style. Instead, you invest into the colosseum early instead of a bigger economy....

I had less time for training on this map. The strategy to build the collosseum early is probably a result of playing against the AI, where the evade trained soldiers are always an advantage. Anyway i had never a big shortage on building materials in this game and thought i am doing it right... until _Elenfantenrennen starts to build his ships. I think this is one of the problems of the current naval ware fare implementation: If your opponent lay siege your ports there is no chance to turn the game, because ships need a port to get a warship. The one who starts his shipindustry first will win the game. Lesson learned face-wink.png

tothxa wrote:

I was surprised that kaputtnik started so much slower than _Elefantenrennen. IIRC he is usually faster than that. So this one was less about the difference between the tribes and more about the speed of the players themselves.

I don't think i was slower than in other games. Beside the need for marble the Empire need a lot of logs too. I have the feeling that the need for logs for Empire has grown somehow, but probably this feeling is a result of the maps in this tournament, where trees don't grow very well. And i think that's also a reason why many players play Amazons in this tournament, whose trees grow well on the given maps.

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2023-10-30, 08:32

Maybe in one of the next rounds we can play another victory condition: The one who has built 10 ships wins the game. This way we can compare the speed of building a naval industry between the tribes.

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