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Topic: Amusing screenshot

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
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Posted at: 2023-06-16, 01:47

Looks like the beasties isolated on these 2 small islands have been busy breeding. Inbreeding perhaps. Or maybe they're evolving into unique island populations like on the Galapagos!

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Joined: 2015-05-08, 22:46
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Posted at: 2024-12-12, 17:50

Amusing and potentially educational.

The upper island population must be reindeer - reindeer are unusual in that the females also have branching antlers. They may be Svalbard or Novaya Zemlya reindeer as both are island-based and will travel between islands. However, most reindeer can swim so they may be another species.

I don't know about the critters on the lower island.

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