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Topic: The Settlers II Gold Edition

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
Posts: 321
OS: Linux
Version: 1.2
Tribe Member
Location: The land of the thirsty spider
Posted at: 2022-04-09, 17:50

WHOA! When I installed and tried this I almost thought I was playing WL. I can see that this must be the version that WL is a free version of. Even the C and S shortcuts are identical...

And the Roman campaign seemed awfully familiar... ;- )

One thing I found that I'd not noticed in WL was the observation window. I know that WL has something with the same name but since it was never explained I ignored it. The S2 one though seems to auto follow bunny rabbits! Hehehe. Gotta say the bunny in S2 actually seems more animated than the WL ones do. Of course I have to look into these obs win and bunnies more closely now in WL.

Another interesting feature in S2 is the menu to adjust ware priorities. It's one global one for deciding where to send stuff according to receiver. WL could use that. Oh wait, I suggested that already. Heh.

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