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Topic: Some suggestions and possible bugs

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Joined: 2021-10-30, 16:43
Posts: 29
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-11-15, 01:03
  1. When I selected a ware to not be housed in a port, the carriers brought each item out to the flag and another carrier immediately went to pick it up again and bring it back to the port (for shipping to another port). I wonder if it would be better to skip this process and have the wares instantly moved to the "to be shipped" category? Or is there a sense that the game or game strategy is based around this carrier process?

  2. I would like to see an option to reverse the right-click mouse scroll. There are usually these kinds of options for mouse/joystick camera controls. It tends to be a different between moving the camera or moving the surface the camera is viewing.

  3. I'd like a feature that allows you to see which goods are waiting at each flag on a road, in case there are major hang-ups, you can analyze what might be the cause. I assume this would fuction very similarly to clicking a ship and seeing what wares is has aboard.

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Posted at: 2021-11-15, 02:11

littlekatana wrote: 1. When I selected a ware to not be housed in a port, the carriers brought each item out to the flag and another carrier immediately went to pick it up again and bring it back to the port (for shipping to another port). I wonder if it would be better to skip this process and have the wares instantly moved to the "to be shipped" category? Or is there a sense that the game or game strategy is based around this carrier process?

That's bureaucracy for ya. Gotta have the proper paperwork to show that the ware was moved by a union carrier... ; - )

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Posted at: 2021-11-15, 09:26
  1. See

  2. Already implemented in the current development version

  3. +1, could be added as a new tab to the action window that pops up when clicking on a flag. However you can already see the wares by looking closely at the flag at large zoom face-wink.png

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Joined: 2021-10-30, 16:43
Posts: 29
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-11-17, 00:43
  1. Too true! lol, but my eyes in my old age, you know? face-tongue.png

Glad to know folks are actively improving the game, that's awesome. Little things like that go a long way, but I wonder if major changes are also on the table? I will post my idea in a other thread.

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