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Topic: New experimental tribe: Europeans

Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2024-12-20, 22:01

MarkMcWire wrote:

mxb2001 wrote:

Tried it. Alas an error about not loading lumberjack prevents it from running.

I need a screenshot from the error for debugging.

The screenshot is already in the "Sumatrans Tribe" topic. There is a conflict between attributes of tropical trees between your add-on and my add-on. One is known and there may be more. I will download your add-on and find a way how to make them compatible. I let you know then.

Edited: 2024-12-20, 22:02

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Posted at: 2024-12-20, 22:05

If you have still installed europeans_base.wad, please delete it. The old and new versions of the Europeans do not work together. Try building a warehouse and two basic sawmills next to the shipyard.

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Posted at: 2024-12-20, 22:40

So my add-on is missing 3 your rubber tree attributes: "rubber_tree_mature", "rubber_tree_sapling" and "growable". I can simply add these. Why do you use attribute "growable"? It looks like the tree is not only growing but doing something else too? Do not understand this.

Your rubber tree sapling is missing my attribute "tropical_sapling" and rubber tree old is missing attribute "tropical_tree" (both 4 times as you have 4 rubber trees). Sumatrans use this attributes to plant and harvest rubber tree.

I also do not understand the register file of reed field. Why do you register reed fields in such a strange way?

N = (get_build_id():find("1.0") ~= 1)

if N then return { reedfield_ripe = { "field", "ripe_reed", "__replace_if_exists" } } else return {} end

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Posted at: 2024-12-20, 23:25

The reed field is a copy from an earlier Widelands version. Maybe I should change that. "Growable" is an attribute that many of my fields and trees have. My terraformer and forester have a work program called "watering" so they can stimulate faster growth. The program also ensures a longer life cycle for the plants, so that they die more slowly when they are old.

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Posted at: 2024-12-21, 00:09

So I can simply add the missing attributes and program "grow" to the rubber tree and the problem should be solved. If you could add my attributes to your rubber tree, it would be fine.

Another problem may be when the game uploads your rubber tree and my ironwood and balsa tree. Not sure, whether this can happen, I have to have look at this tomorrow.

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Joined: 2010-05-06, 07:51
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Posted at: 2024-12-21, 02:09


1) How to properly upgrade a Port to a Big Port? Now, if the Port is on a separate island, you have to build a Warehouse, then accumulate the required amount of materials there (this cannot be managed manually), then start updating the Port. Is there an easier and faster way?

2) Is it possible and how to demolish or dismantle a built Warehouse?

3) Is it possible to manually stop ferry production in Combined Ferry-and-Shipyard? How can user manage the number of ships that need to be built? Maybe split the combined port into two productions - ships and ferries - that would be less of a problem?

Thanks face-smile.png

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Joined: 2010-05-06, 07:51
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2024-12-21, 03:48

And mines (by wood) works more better than mines (by food)...

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2024-12-21, 12:43

OIPUN wrote:

Another problem may be when the game uploads your rubber tree and my ironwood and balsa tree. Not sure, whether this can happen, I have to have look at this tomorrow.

Testing is done. It looks like the game always prefers my tropical trees. This may be caused by the fact, that I defined them within a world add-on not a tribe add-on. Not sure now, how exactly the upload of add-ons work. So I will upload the update of the world add-on tomorrow and should be solved.

The last problem is that when someone is playing Europeans in combination with Sumatran world, the rubber tree needs terraform for winter terrains. This can be solved, if you design some kind of Sumatran thermal springs building for Europeans too and you set a condition, that this building should be available only when your add-on is used together with "sumatran_world.wad".

I don't see any other issues now.

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Posted at: 2024-12-24, 04:36

Nick222 wrote:


1) How to properly upgrade a Port to a Big Port? Now, if the Port is on a separate island, you have to build a Warehouse, then accumulate the required amount of materials there (this cannot be managed manually), then start updating the Port. Is there an easier and faster way?

No, thats the only way. Actually, the expandable harbor was just an idea from the original tribe idea. I basically wanted to make all buildings upgradeable. But since you can't expand a warehouse in the game without another warehouse, it's currently a useless feature.

2) Is it possible and how to demolish or dismantle a built Warehouse?

3) Is it possible to manually stop ferry production in Combined Ferry-and-Shipyard? How can user manage the number of ships that need to be built? Maybe split the combined port into two productions - ships and ferries - that would be less of a problem?

I don't want to unravel it again because the AI ​​is behaving strangely. It keeps building new ferry yards and then immediately dismantling them again before production has even started. Since the AI ​​can't handle ferries, it's probably considered a useless building. If the building can do both, the AI ​​won't do such stupid things.

Thanks face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2024-12-24, 04:40

Nick222 wrote:

And mines (by wood) works more better than mines (by food)...

The mines with food supplies come from the previously separate add-on for agriculture. I have combined the add-on with the main add-on. But I didn't want to delete these buildings. This way, each player can decide for themselves how they want to supply the mines. It doesn't really make economic sense, as wood is much easier and cheaper to produce than food. But maybe there are also maps where trees and space for trees is so scarce that it is an advantage to be able to supply the mines with food in order to extract coal and ore.

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