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Topic: Gui scaling and scaling in general

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Joined: 2019-02-17, 04:31
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Posted at: 2019-02-28, 07:05

So with new 4k monitors becoming for popular, scaling should be implemented in the game. I currently have a 4k monitor (3840 by 2160) and trying to read anything is very hard. An added scroll feature would also be very nice. The great view i get from a 4k is very nice, but can make small building hard to see or click on.

Edited: 2019-02-28, 07:21

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2019-02-28, 09:42

I have created a bug report

What do you mean with 'scroll feature'?

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2019-02-28, 10:11

I also do not understand the term scaling. From the description above I would rather think what is needed is a Zoom feature, and this is implemented in b20. But this would only solve the issue with the buildings not with the ingame men. So we need to adapt the ingame menu to the resolution choosen probably.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2019-03-01, 13:18

The map is zoomable, but the UI is not. I have already started working on this.

Busy indexing nil values

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Joined: 2018-07-30, 00:03
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Posted at: 2019-03-01, 16:38

andreiosu121 wrote:

So with new 4k monitors becoming for popular, scaling should be implemented in the game. I currently have a 4k monitor (3840 by 2160) and trying to read anything is very hard. An added scroll feature would also be very nice. The great view i get from a 4k is very nice, but can make small building hard to see or click on.

I guess you run your 4k-monitor without scaling. You can change the scaling specifically for apps. See this article

This gives you less visibility but at least you should be able to read and click everything. On my 13" MacBook I have set scaling to a factor where 2560x1600 are like 1280x800.

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Joined: 2019-11-17, 10:00
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Posted at: 2019-11-17, 10:43

just installed widelands and on my 4k display I would like to share my experience. Fonts are way to small, buttons as well, especially in menus like the one of the headquarter. For now, on my display I would declare widelands as "unplayable". And using the operation systems scaling would not solve the problem... changing desktop settings application wise is not something I want to do.

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Joined: 2018-07-30, 00:03
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Posted at: 2019-11-17, 16:15

How do you guys use your Desktop? I don't have this scaling problem at all. My 13" MacBook has a native resolution of 2560 × 1600. I scale it by two so it looks like 1280 × 800. And Widelands runs just fine, It detects the resolution as 1280 × 800. Only when I don't scale and set the native 2k resolution I have to small icons & text.

Back to the initial question. Does Widelands detect your displays native resolution and not the scaled one or do you run your display at native resolution without scaling?

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2022-12-01, 16:14

schnedan wrote:

just installed widelands and on my 4k display I would like to share my experience. Fonts are way to small, buttons as well, especially in menus like the one of the headquarter. For now, on my display I would declare widelands as "unplayable". And using the operation systems scaling would not solve the problem... changing desktop settings application wise is not something I want to do.

Absolutely, it should have a high priority that widelands is also playable on 4k monitors. Skaling doesnt work properly cause then the quality lacks, it really feels unplayable.

Such a good game but without skaling many things are just way too small.

Edited: 2022-12-01, 16:15

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2022-12-01, 16:19

The most important thing when it comes to scaling are the menu that opens,... also the buildings (frisian) in the pop up menu should be larger.

Or how much barracs the AI builds ;D and how often you need to click to menu with one soldier moving there with the skaling it becomes not only unplayable but you cant finish your games without a lot of cost.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2022-12-01, 20:26

Well, we know about the issue. We agree on the priority of the issue. We agree on the solution wanted.

But I am not sure when this will be available, cause we still lack developers.

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