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Topic: Big upcoming string changes

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2014-03-11, 17:57

It used to be "Blackroot Field harvested" which I didn't like, so I added the (). I like it for English the way it is now, because it is very succinct, and the most important information comes first. I am open to opinions though.

You can of course translate any way you want for your language - follow the style of your own language, not the style of English. English likes Title Case a lot, I sure don't use it in Gaelic.

Wherever we use placeholders, we are stuck with capital first letter for now. It would be great to have resource names etc. in lowercase or uppercase according to context, but I'm not sure yet what is the best way to go about it. I tried to find a function that turns the first letter into lowercase, but that's a problem in C++ if you have accented letters etc. We would probably need a special Unicode library like ICU to pull off something like that.

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Joined: 2013-07-30, 21:58
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Posted at: 2014-03-11, 21:41

GunChleoc wrote: it is very succinct, and the most important information comes first.

I see it the same way.

English likes Title Case a lot, I sure don't use it in Gaelic.

That will suit the best for Dutch too, but it can wait until the current transition has been completed.

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Posted at: 2014-03-13, 11:39

I wonder if the word "helm", as opposed to "helmet," is used in it's correct sense. According to my dictionary it is a steer for a boat and not a defence item.

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Joined: 2013-07-28, 23:01
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Posted at: 2014-03-13, 12:32

fk wrote:

(...) a steer for a boat and not a defence item.

That was confusing for me, so I've checked google translate for Polish:


  • hełm: helmet, helm, cupola, dome, headpiece
  • kask: helmet
  • szyszak: helmet


  • hełm: helmet, helm, cupola, dome, headpiece
  • ster: stere, rudder, helm, control, wheel
  • sterownica: controls, helm
  • władza: power, authority, rule, control, mastery, helm

So the first: helmet is always part on the head, usually for defense. And second, helm has lots of meanings, but the main is stere (ships)

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Posted at: 2014-03-13, 19:38

We use "helmet" for one ware and "warhelm" for the other. A warhelm is always a helmet, and it sounds more natural in English than "war helmet"

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Posted at: 2014-03-13, 21:41

Here's another trick to make importing your translations faster - this way you will get rid of all the superfluous new lines in the strings. Use it on the campaigns and tutorial only:

  • Open the old .po file in Notepad++
  • Use Search & Replace to replace all \n with a blank space
  • Use Search & Replace again double blank spaces with a single blank space
  • Open the file in your tool, make and undo a small change and save
  • Open the new file and start importing/copying

We just implemented a couple of string fixes again, so please do let me know if you still find any bugs in the English strings.

Edited: 2014-03-13, 21:44

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Joined: 2011-12-30, 16:37
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Posted at: 2014-03-14, 00:13

please do let me know if you still find any bugs in the English strings.

EDIT: There is one more thing I noticed: The strings "The enemy defeated your soldiert at ..." and "Your soldiers defeated the enemy at ..." have no full stop in the end, while "Your ... is under attack." and "Your ... discovered an aggressor." have. Is this intentional?
There are also some scenario texts that are actually whole phrases (e.g. "Build a wood hardener"), but have no full stop. I do not know if they appear as headlines or not.

Edited: 2014-03-14, 07:11

"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg

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Posted at: 2014-03-14, 07:43

wl-zocker wrote:

please do let me know if you still find any bugs in the English strings.

Thanks, will fix.

  • Do we want to keep the three words "lumberjack's hut" (Barbarians), "lumberjack's house" (Empire) and "woodcutter's house" (Atlanteans)? I think it is superfluous and rather leads to translation/description errors than it helps anything.

Generally, the Barbarians have huts and the other 2 tribes have houses. This is a flavour thing, so I would like to hear from more people about this. Personally, I would have no problem with having everybody live in houses rather than huts, but it does add some flavour.

You are of course welcome to give them all the same translation if your language team thinks that is a good idea face-smile.png

EDIT: There is one more thing I noticed: The strings "The enemy defeated your soldiert at ..." and "Your soldiers defeated the enemy at ..." have no full stop in the end, while "Your ... is under attack." and "Your ... discovered an aggressor." have. Is this intentional?

They should all have a full stop. Will fix.

There are also some scenario texts that are actually whole phrases (e.g. "Build a wood hardener"), but have no full stop. I do not know if they appear as headlines or not.

They are part of a bullet-pointed list.

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Joined: 2014-03-06, 15:59
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Posted at: 2014-03-14, 12:16

I agree on the point of there being flavour in different building names for each tribe. I have no trouble translating them differently and actually prefer it that way. Barbarians live in huts, more civilised Atlanteans and Empire live in houses. As Gun said - it adds flavour, a sense of uniqueness if you will.

Lumberjack's Hut - Хижина дровосека
Lumberjack's House - Домик дровосека
Woodcutter's House - Домик лесоруба

Edited: 2014-03-14, 12:17

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Posted at: 2014-03-14, 13:05

This string is only to give some additional information about the construction site output. The weaving mill output is shown separately. So, translate as is.

Yes, this is the help text for the steel trident. "medium trident" is a description of the trident and not the name of the trident itself.

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