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Changes in WikiSandbox

Editor Comment

This commit is only to see if longer revision comments are handled properly. They should now, since I'm currently fixing bug 340919, and this should not be limited to 50 chars. This is now a good thing over 200 chars long. That's enough.

Revision Differences of Revision 32

# First heading ¶

## Second heading ¶

### Third heading ¶

#### Fourth heading ¶

![Alt text]( ¶

# Testing some bug fixes ¶

___this\_is\_a\_combined\_word___ (bold & italic & combined word, the last one needs escaping) ¶

___this'is quite something___ ¶

# Links ¶

Links in different places ¶

MainPage ¶

* MainPage ¶

[](SourceForge) - Wrong! ¶

(Sourceforge)[] - Wrong! ¶

[SourceForge]( - Correct, but currently broken in wiki. Fixed in r44 ¶

[Sourceforge]( - Correct ¶
#### MainPage ¶

#### Table Test ¶

First Header | Second Header ¶
--------- | ------------ ¶
Alrighty | this should | ¶
definitively | __work out__ | ¶
And another line | year year year | ¶