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# !WiHack 2010 ¶

## General information ¶

### What it is ¶

* Widelands International Hacking and Coding (in) Karlsruhe 2010 ¶
* Widelands' International House of Affiliates Conference Karlsruhe 2010 ¶
* Widelands: Intense Hours of Advancement Conference. ¶


### When/Where does it take place ¶

### Accommodation ¶

You can sleep at the entropia if you bring sleeping pads/bags, ¶
there is (at least) one shower available for participants. There is also (limited) room provided by the local participants (still sleeping bags and sleeping pads are required): ¶

* Holger (!SirVer) 5-6 places ¶

TODO: if you have places, add yourself here ¶

### Travel information ¶



## Projects ¶

### Widelands itself ¶

TODO: describe at least ¶

* cmake build system ¶
* bug fixing/unifying in code checkers ¶
* Donkeys ¶
* More messages in the code ¶
* Bug hunt ¶

### Widelands Homepage ¶

TODO: describe ¶

* Bug Hunt ¶
* Better help system ¶
* Work on map uploading/downloading ¶
* what else? ¶

## I will show up: ¶

Please add yourself to the list, if you are coming to !WiHack: ¶

* Holger (!SirVer) ¶