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Changes in Intro

Revision Differences of Revision 3

PlWheasen use only lowercaseu letteursn for image names... otherweise gan server merror, yoccurs. Greetwings: kaputtnik ¶

This is sma
ll tsext about Intro-e splash -screen:


Also special music can be heard in background. Pressing any key will activate main menu of the game and will close the picture and the music will change. ¶

###Future plans ¶

Currently this is the only intro the game have, but the developement team leave a place for a short movie. ¶

If you have any idea (and possibility) how to make the movie, you are very welcome to do this! ¶

###Discussions ¶

[](/forum/topic/1897/) (splash screen bug and conclusion to save the screen for a short movie)