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Changes in BarbarianStory

Revision Differences of Revision 3

## The Barbarian Storyboard ¶
elcome to the storyline description of BarbarianS-tribe. ¶

This is where we develop, post and comment the actual s
toryline that is being designed for Widelands. For all of you who wish to play the game and feel the thrill andS the excitement of a twisted story filled with adventures, evil and good guys, traitors and heroes please note that... ¶

__You should now quit this page and do not read on!!__ ¶

Otherwise your fun will be spoiled. ¶

For all of you who want to know what's going on, well... let's open the book... ¶

### Prologue - "
BarbarianStoryHateAndDespite" ¶

### Chapt
er I - Tutorials with the Barbarians - "BarbarianStoryTheSecondEmpire"

* Tutorial 1 - "
BarbarianStoryEyesInTheDark" ¶

* Tu
torial 2 - "BarbarianStoryAPlaceToCallHomeBarbarianStoryAPlaceToCallHome" ¶

* Tutorial 3 - "BarbarianStoryT
hisLandIsOurLand" ¶

* Tutorial 4 - "BarbarianStoryTheWarlordsBanner" ¶

### Chapter II - Campaign of the Protectorates - "BarbarianStoryTheRiseOfTheTraitor" ¶

* Mission 1 - "BarbarianStoryTheCitadelOfAdlen" ¶

* Mission 2 - "BarbarianStoryThunderhand" ¶