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Map: Anchor

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Designed for use with the AI, for a really horrible time play blue

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I wanted to make the AI a bit more challenging. Playing blue (or maybe red) should be quite hard, although for an easy time you could play green.

Basic Information:

Author:Tangled Frog
World: Greenland
Dimensions:96 x 96
Max. Players:4

8.50 (4 Votes) Please log in to vote.

Upload:by TangledFrog at 2014-06-02, 15:16
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Comments on this Map:


Impossible to win with Atlanteans. With Barbarians quite a funny game. I needed a second attempt. Then I did it! :-) Thank you! Good map!



Many thanks face-grin.png

It's harder for Atlanteans and the Empire, but not impossible! The Barbarians are easier because they get started faster. Maybe next time I can find a way to make it more even... face-smile.png


I've tried about 6 times with Barbarians - just can't get it going. I guess I would not have a chance playing a real game (not against AI). First I clear the land, set up a metal workshop, a farm, battle arena and bakery. Then I am out of places to build barriers or fortesses to defend myself...


I've only played the blue position as Barbarians because it was the hardest but I can beat it now. By far the hardest map I've played. I'm not sure I'll play the other positions because they look a lot easier.


Nice challenge. Took me a few tries to beat it, which is something no other AI map had me do. The combination of the red player there before you have a chance of building anything and the yelllow sneaking up on your headquarter is a killer, especially with the new AI.

Anyway, I won with atlanteans, so it's not impossible. You have two large spaces, you need to make a labirynth and a waving mill on those. use the few medium spaces you have for a smokery, a bakery, a sawmill and a warehouse. with a hunter and the smokery you get smoked meat. with the barey and the flour you start with you can get enough bread to promote a lot of soldiers. when you have the warehouse, moove all the wares from the headquarters to it, move also the soldiers out and allow the yelllow player to destroy your headquarter. use the bread you have to get some promoted soldiers, and use them to get the edge against red. Kill red and build economy.


Nice challenge. Took me a few tries to beat it, which is something no other AI map had me do. The combination of the red player there before you have a chance of building anything and the yelllow sneaking up on your headquarter is a killer, especially with the new AI.

Anyway, I won with atlanteans, so it's not impossible. You have two large spaces, you need to make a labirynth and a waving mill on those. use the few medium spaces you have for a smokery, a bakery, a sawmill and a warehouse. with a hunter and the smokery you get smoked meat. with the barey and the flour you start with you can get enough bread to promote a lot of soldiers. when you have the warehouse, moove all the wares from the headquarters to it, move also the soldiers out and allow the yelllow player to destroy your headquarter. use the bread you have to get some promoted soldiers, and use them to get the edge against red. kill red, then build economy before yellow can reach you.


huh, I accidentally double posted. is that any way to delete one comment?


Man muß angreifen bevor der Gegner es macht. Hat man den ersten (sehr nahen) Gegner geschlagen, ist die Schwierigkeit vorbei und es wird langweilig.

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