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Topic: Official "play day" !?


Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2011-08-28, 11:43

Thanks Tino! you rock face-smile.png

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Joined: 2011-08-10, 14:39
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Posted at: 2011-08-28, 14:56

Sounds like a plan Nasenbaer! If there is anywhere near the same amount of people keen to play next week as there were tonight then there will definately be enough for a game (or more) face-smile.png

Edited: 2011-08-29, 10:14

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2011-09-03, 14:23

Since the last day of September is a Friday, the last weekend will be 24th and 25th. I guess we should organize the play day on either of these days.


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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2011-09-05, 08:46

I just set up the next event. It will be on September, 24th (I still believe some of the players from Saturday will likely be motivated to play on Sunday as well, after having some nice games... face-wink.png )

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2011-09-05, 12:10

Oohh.. I just might make this date. I'd love to play a woodgnome game on a map from the downloads section, for example one of the newest 2 player maps.

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Joined: 2010-03-08, 15:46
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Posted at: 2011-09-05, 12:43

Hmm another play day ... hahaha some sleepless nights face-smile.png

NoOb KiWwaTa NoOb Ma NeWeI

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2011-09-28, 11:01

Alright face-smile.png

Next play day was just added to the events list!

Unfortunally I wasn't able to join in the last play day and already know I can't join in the next as well... but well WiHackTwentyEleven will come quite soon :).

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2011-10-30, 14:32

Yesterday's play day was a blast! We played a game with eight players which got really fun and challenging. I hope SirVer will put up the complete replay of this one. I've tried to add player names where I remember them, otherwise player colors are used. I'd also like to see the others post their perspectives to see how the game went for various people.

The map was "The ancient sun of fire" and we were divided into teams with two players each. I started in the bottom right corner as the dark gray player and was allied with MACGYVER (orange).

I had a nice starting location, which allowed me to start gathering wood/stone and expanding quickly to see what was around. Also, metals were close, especially iron was nice to see since I had spent hours in the prior game looking for an iron supply. I populated the majority of my kingdom with lumberjacks/rangers both to take advantage of the existing woods and to be able to replace them later. In addition I made some farms and other buildings to provide food for my miners. Unfortunately I managed to upgrade my microbrewery prematurely, so my soldier training was probably set back quite some time.

Little by little I replaced most of the large forests with farms and fields. After exploring my area and setting up mines and tools/weapon production I think I was the first to reach the center of the map. Like SirVer had said, it was shaped like a wheel, with each player having a way to the common center. Once there I started fortifying my position because I realized this would be hard to hold against the others. SirVer arrived shortly afterwards, and started doing the same.

In my process of fortifying, I had managed to block off my ally from expanding into the center (sorry about that face-smile.png ). After some discussion, I demolished some of my buildings while MACGYVER set up some new ones to conquer some of the area. I had been under attack by SirVer/Shevonar (blue/red, also same team) for a while then, so reinforcements were welcome. After some fighting back and forth, I was able to snatch one of SirVer's forts while he was busy attacking MACGYVER even though he had superior forces. Yay! face-smile.png

Shortly afterwards, he realized he had ran out of stone and ceased being a major threat. At that point though, the white player started marching lots of well-trained Atlantean soldiers in and took over most of the center. While this was happening, I focused on my economy for a while since it had some problems. I am not used to playing on larger map so there was some problems I have not encountered before, for instance being low on food rather than metals.

Back in the center, white, now joined by purple on the same team, was fighting against MACGYVER. In the end, MACGYVER proved to be too well-trained and heavily fortified to be defeated so the attacks by the white forces wasn't not able to take over the orange terriory. After fending off white, MACGYVER then moved in to take over the purple area to be able to utilize the resources there.

While reclaiming the center, yellow (spiderswine) and green started to get aggressive. I tried to assist MACGYVER some, but at this point I had been too worn down by various strifes so I had a small, only somewhat trained army. Since I had realized being aggresive would in most cases just waste what forces I had, I did some small attacks against green, but mainly focused on fortifying my position and training soldiers. It was getting late, and I had realized I wasn't currently contributing much, so I said good night. At that point MACGYVER was ahead of spiderswine in military force, and then green having roughly the same amount of troops as me. Most of the other players had left at this point, but I think MACGYVER should have a good chance of defeating the others. I still don't know how the end played out, and I'm curious to know.

All in all, it was really fun playing with several others, watching the battles and borders shift. I also encountered some new problems which I haven't experienced before, mostly because I mainly play on smaller maps. Some of them I was able to fix with simple tweaks, but I need to think some more about a few of them. See you next play day! face-wink.png


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Joined: 2011-07-15, 10:31
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Posted at: 2011-10-30, 16:13

i can only agree in what hjd said about this awesome 8-playergame. it was a very long game and we did not finish, because i had to do stuff this morning and the two left players were in the same team. i left on ~2:15 wintertime in met. after hjd left the game, there were only spiderswine (yellow), his ally jn (green) and sirver's ally shevonar (red) and me. i tried to set a final strike, but i took ages to change the war's situation. then red decided to leave, and i focused on the last human players spiderswine and jn. though they were allys my troops were just better trained and i managed to fight them down though green hold his base untouched. when i left the game, i already got into spiderswines base. the white comp was much stronger than both of them now, but it did not come to a fight with it. my main problems in the game were that i did not have enough coal and bread for my trainingscamps. despite of these lacks i still wonder how sirver could run out of mamor ;-). all in all, the map offers much time and resources and if you really want to win with 8 players you have to behave very tactical. it was great fun, sadly we could not finish the game.

Edited: 2011-10-30, 16:22

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2011-10-30, 20:45

Year! What I game. It was just like hjd said: I was being clever and did not invest into a granit mine (being barbarian) because i had plenty of stones lying around. But guess what: If you keep building thousands of fortresses, stones run out. So I ran into the latest deadlock ever: no stones, but the granit mine needs stones. Dang. Made me very motivated to work on the dismantle site again (I already started). That is the opposite of a construction site, that is a builder takes a building apart and gives you some of your materials back.

However, I asked the others if it was okay if I cheated myself sight of the map and they agreed. So I became an observer and watched the back and forth on the map. And I tock some time to attach at the running widelands process and did some profiling which showed up some low hanging fruits: widelands now only takes 81% of the time it did yesterday in games where there is no computer player. So, 1/5 of simulation logic time cut by replacing a tree through a hashmap and reworking a badly chosen data structure in another key place. Yay!

The game also had another good impact: Shevonar got himself a nice replay and savegame of stuck soldiers and he will try to tackle this bug on the wihack. A very productive game that was face-smile.png

For anyone interested, I uploaded the replay of the game. You'll need build 16 to watch it and prepare yourself, for it is > 16 playhours long.

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