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Topic: Rating of Add-ons and Maps

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 11:27

I would suggest making rating info completely public. This means that while logged in, you should be able to see not only total values but also, who gave the points. It should be displayed while moving over the rating with mouse. The idea is that some people give generally more and some people generally less points. By seeing this info, you should be able to tell how relevant is this rating for you.

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 11:49

-1 from me because I would consider this a privacy problem. I think that some people would be more reluctant to give a negative rating if the author can see who downvoted their work.

If Person A makes an add-on or a map they're very proud of and then they see that Person B gave it 4 stars, it would not be unreasonable to assume that Person A would be annoyed with Person B over it. It might possibly even incite Person A to downvote Person B's publications out of spite.

Also, all existing thousands of ratings have been given in the assumption that they are, and will remain, anonymous.

In my opinion these concerns outweigh the benefit.

However, many maps and add-ons are well commented on with constructive feedback, which is always published under the commentator's name, and points out in a fair and polite manner what is good and what is not so good about the map/add-on, with much more detail, explanation, and justification than a simple rating score can ever provide. So in quite many cases you could go by the comments to see what matters to you.

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 12:27

-1 for the reasons given by @Nordfriese, plus from a statistical point of view:

  • With a large number of votes, voter bias can be expected to even out. With few votes, the rating can be ignored.
  • Trying to mentally adjust votes based on your perception of the voters would be highly subjective and depend on your mood at the time, so you could just convince yourself of anything you want the outcome to be. BTW people are generally good at the last part regardless of the available data. face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 13:00

Nordfriese wrote:

I think that some people would be more reluctant to give a negative rating if the author can see who downvoted their work.

I agree people will probably give less rating and some rating is better than none.

Also, all existing thousands of ratings have been given in the assumption that they are, and will remain, anonymous.

Wrong assumption of theirs. Nothing, nothing in this world is really anonymous. face-smile.png Just some people see, some people don't. And that ones who don't, most of them will see later on too. Just an attempt to make the rating more contemporary face-smile.png .

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 14:03
+1 agree comment =0 neutral comment -1 disagree comment
OIPUN * how relevant is this rating for you Nordfriese * Private Data Security violation
* Less negative voting when autor see
Teayo * remove 1-to-10 Rating System
replace with "liked" system
* additionally with "disliked" option
tothxa * large number of votes, voter bias can be expected
* highly subjective and depend on your mood at the time
Edited: 2024-12-30, 16:09

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 15:50

I agree with Nordfriese.

With my personal experience i find much more votes than comments. This can be a bit frustrating to see that your add-on get voted but no comments are there. Ok, with a vote of 10 you can assume that the add-on meets the voters preference. But with a vote of 7 or 8 and no comment the add-on author doesn't know whats wrong with his add-on.

I like the proposal of Teayo to exchange the voting system with a simple "Like" system. This way no one has to think about which rate to give for an add-on. Personally i have always trouble to find a rating. Either i find an add-on very good, good or less good. So for me there is no need for more than 3 options for a rating. If i don't like an add-on, i would't vote at all.

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 16:59

kaputtnik wrote:

If i don't like an add-on, i would't vote at all.

The same. I usually give 10 points. When I am not able to give a good assessment, I do not give any. Sometimes I write a comment. I kind of like the 1-10 rating, but without feedback in form of a comment it can be confusing.

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 17:53

I prefer the full 10 point system. I've been using it for years on the IMDB and I have given the whole range. 10's are very rare because nothing is perfect. My IMDB system is such:

1,2 hate it, offends me
3,4 dislike it stupid film/show
5,6 neutralish 5 means it was dumb and I quit watching, 6 means it was dumb but I hung on
7 most shows fall here it's like a C grade in school. Average, barely competent.
8 is a B and is above average, pretty good show
9 is an A- very good
10 is a A+

I give the dumbed down Youtube voting system type a rating of 1 out of 10. : )

I think intelligent players of a game like Widelands can be expected to have enough brains to use a 10 point vote system.

Edited by kaputtnik: Use two spaces to add a new line

Edited: 2024-12-30, 18:08

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 18:11

mxb2001 wrote:

1,2 hate it, offends me
3,4 dislike it stupid film/show
5,6 neutralish 5 means it was dumb and I quit watching, 6 means it was dumb but I hung on
7 most shows fall here it's like a C grade in school. Average, barely competent.
8 is a B and is above average, pretty good show
9 is an A- very good
10 is a A+

Well it starts just with the question: Does everybody use the same logic? Can we expect this?

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Posted at: 2024-12-30, 18:23

I agree with mxb2001. A ten-point system allows far more nuanced reviews. If I consider one add-on meh, another one mostly enjoyable, and a third one excellent, the current system allows me to quantify this by rating the first one 5 stars, the second one 7 or 8 stars and the last one 10 stars. With a simple like/dislike system this distinction is impossible.

Also, I don't think it would be possible to convert all the existing ratings to a new system (without misrepresenting the voters' intentions). Given how very many maps we have, this information is very valuable in navigating the maps archive's offerings and should not just be discarded.

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