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Topic: Little problems

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Joined: 2021-04-15, 12:33
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Posted at: 2021-05-06, 14:29


As translator in Transifex I can only see my own activity. I would like to see who is, in the french team, the most active and since when no activity has been recorded.

As a translator I cannot validate my own translations, that would be stupid, so it is necessary that another participant validates them.
Likewise, it would be good for someone to validate the translations already made by other than me.

Regarding the glossary, it must be a precise and efficient tool and not the graveyard of approximations that no one wants to consult. It would therefore be good, I maintain, to dust it off and remove unnecessary terms such as character names that should not be translated under any circumstances.

Some might think I'm in too much of a hurry and want to revolutionize everything when I've only been here for a very short time but my only goal is to provide players with version 1.0 with the most complete and reliable French translation.

I showed my availability to help with translations on 04/15/2021, that is 3 weeks ago. To date, no member of the French translation team has manifested and I deeply regret it. Despite everything, we have to move forward because V1.0 is near.

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
Knowledge is only valuable if it is shared by the greatest number.

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Posted at: 2021-05-06, 15:01

Regarding the glossary, it must be a precise and efficient tool and not the graveyard of approximations that no one wants to consult. It would therefore be good, I maintain, to dust it off and remove unnecessary terms such as character names that should not be translated under any circumstances.

There are no strings that "should not be translated under any circumstances". I made some spelling adjustments to character names in Low German for easier pronunciation, and translators whose language uses non-latin script will need to keep track of their variants even more importantly.

As an admin I can see the entire progress timeline for localization activity and am somewhat disappointed by the rather small number of active translators; the time before the build21 release was totally different…

EDIT: You might want to contact the Transifex user neurofr who seems to have been most active in the french translation in the last months

Edited: 2021-05-06, 15:24

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Posted at: 2021-05-06, 17:04

Sorry, I didn't think about the non-Latin scriptwriters.

I really don't see myself writing to someone I absolutely don't know to ask them what's going on. It would be like telling him that he is not doing his job. If he takes it badly we will find ourselves in the same situation and I will have to beg for information again.

If I asked to know who decide what have to be in the glossary, it was to talk with it or them. I can understand many things but I can't do a good job if I am totally in the fog.

Actually I translate without any information on the job done by other. There are totally aberrant translations and there is nothing I can do about them because I don't want to change anything without having the approval of those who came before me or someone who can take this responsibility. It is very difficult to integrate into an established team but when this team cannot be found it is mission impossible.

I'm not looking for anyone to blame for anything, I'm just trying to find out if I can change what seems incomprehensible to me and I would like to have the agreement of those who made the translation that I question.

For Transifex, there is 35 members of the crew, I don't count myself, I've never seen a single one during the 3 weeks I'm here and V1.0 is near.

PS: Oups, I forgot hessenfarmer, I didn't expect to find him in the team of French translators.

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
Knowledge is only valuable if it is shared by the greatest number.

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Posted at: 2021-05-06, 17:41

There may be 35 members but this does not mean 35 active contributors. The low german team has 4 members besides me who have all been there longer than me, but when I picked up the language it had been abandoned for many years at 1% completion and I've never seen anyone else contribute to low german. Much the same is true for nearly every language, including french – contributors join and later lose interest and walk away, but purely nominally they stay on the team list forever.

So if you want to change an existing translation and are unsure if you should, be bold: Just write a comment @mentioning the original translator1 with a brief explanation what you'd like to change and why, and if they don't respond soon then simply change it – they'd tell you if they mind! And if a translation is already some years old1 I'd really consider it safe to change it without asking.

Regarding the glossary – since it affects all languages the right place to discuss it is here, in the forum face-smile.png
We have a policy not to delete outdated terms to ease the transition, and it is generally useful to add every building, ware, worker, or other item that is frequently referred to (e.g. in helptexts, tutorials, campaigns). Additionally some miscellaneous terms that appear in multiple places in the UI. Also anyone can add terms they deem important enough to be mentioned there. Sometimes useless terms (syllables, a dozen flexions, localized terms) are added by accident, those can be deleted of course.

  1. The translator and the time since the translation was last changed are displayed above the source string 

Edited: 2021-05-06, 17:43

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 22:16
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Posted at: 2021-05-06, 19:31

I am on the french team to help with boring tasks like reinstating old strings if just the position of the string or the context changed. My knowledge of french might be considered mediocre at best. So you are free to correct or improve any of my translations if there are still some left in the french texts.
Regarding other translators texts you might save them as suggestion to make it easier to implement them. If a translation seems to be weird I normally search / filter for similar source strings or expression and try to harmonize them to the best version. Same if they contradict the Glossary. Basically if you change a string Transifex keeps a memory of the old one. So it is always safe to change it and leave a comment to the other translator imho.
The nature of open source projects like this one is that there are no clear responsibilities only certain rights for some people who have proven to be valuable contributors, which I believe you are.
Some time ago we had the figure of this being a doocracy.

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