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Topic: Consumption

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Joined: 2021-04-15, 12:33
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Posted at: 2021-04-22, 10:46


Looking closely at the activity of my little fellows I noticed that in order to produce 1 good they needed a number of basic products. For example the blacksmith needs 1 Log and 1 Iron to product 1 Tool, but the baker needs 3 Waters and 3 Wheat.
This is quite important to know because if we reduce the stock of the bakery to 2 Waters or 2 Wheat, the baker will never make Bread, whereas we can reduce to 1 at the Metal Workshop without stopping the job.

Is it possible to find this kind of information for all processing buildings somewhere? I looked in the Bakery's 'Help' and couldn't find any quantified information, just that Water and Wheat were needed.

Thank you in advance.

PS: Analyzing the needs, I noticed that when the Innkeeper consumed basic products, 1 Fish or 1 Meat was indeed removed from the Tavern's stock but not 1 Bread. In addition, I can clearly see the Carriers bringing Fish or Meat, but never Bread.

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Posted at: 2021-04-22, 10:51

Currently the information how many wares are needed is detailed only in the produced ware's encyclopedia entry, not in the building's. You can also look in the file data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/<tribename>/<buildingname>/init.lua where the programs are defined.

E.g. the bakery uses 3 wheat + 3 water to make 2 pitta bread. The tavern uses 1 meat or fish or 1 bread to make 1 ration.

We have some open bug reports about enhancing the help system in various ways to make this information more easily available.

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Joined: 2021-04-15, 12:33
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Posted at: 2021-04-22, 11:05


Thank you for these informations. Personally, if I was a digger and if I was provided with a ration of dry bread, I would immediately go on strike. face-smile.png

I would claim at least Bread AND (Meat OR Fish).

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
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Joined: 2014-12-11, 22:16
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Posted at: 2021-04-22, 21:17

Atanase wrote:

I would claim at least Bread AND (Meat OR Fish).

Well from a point of view that focuses on taste you ight be right. however this would increase costs per ore and would affect balance directly. And if you are really hungry even a dry bread could be a miracle (even better if we can eat it with some beer or wine). Honestly an advanced player would try to avoid a ration being made from bread as bread is much more expensive then fish or meat.
Basically this is what the game is about imho: making the best economy to produce relevant wares (in this case weapons) as cheap and as fast as possible.

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Joined: 2021-04-15, 12:33
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Posted at: 2021-04-22, 23:46

In real life the workers are less understanding than the little characters in Widelands. face-wink.png

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
Knowledge is only valuable if it is shared by the greatest number.

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