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Topic: Game Initialization

Joined: 2017-01-17, 17:07
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One Elder of Players
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Posted at: 2021-04-20, 17:10

Because your carriers are too slow with getting the pick into the warehouse. The behaviour is fully intentional.

The blacksmith works in a cycle. Check if tool A is needed; if so, produce A if possible. Next, check if tool B is needed; if so, produce B if possible. Then tool C, and so on. This cycle loops around.

After the first kind of tool is produced, the worker starts on the second kind. After that one, on the third kind.

After the first 3 items have been produced, the smithy is ready to start with the next item. The stocks of felling axes and hammers match up with their target settings by now – but there are currently 0 picks on your HQ, because the pick that was just produced did not arrive there yet. So the smithy sees that a pick is still needed, and consequently produces one. Only items actually stored in a warehouse are considered when comparing the stock with the target settings.

By the time the second pick has been produced, the first pick has arrived in the HQ, so all tool stocks now equal or exceed their target quantities, so the smithy stops working until more tools are required.

Edit: When you have few resources available, the recommended way to prevent wasting resources is to set all tool target settings to 0. Then, only the tools actually needed for a worker are produced.

Edited: 2021-04-20, 17:11

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Joined: 2021-04-15, 12:33
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Posted at: 2021-04-20, 18:17

Ok, I understand. face-smile.png

Ok also for the advice to prevent waste, let's say that, in my head, I did not have to take into account information delays or delivery delays. I didn't expect to have to explain the cycle system. It doesn't matter, I just need to take it into account in my calculations. It will be the occasion for another dialogue, humorous I hope, between the two protagonists.

Did I understand correctly, if the Economy is at zero and a building is constructed, the occupation of this building by a worker is preeminent over the Economy?
But if the Economy indicates 0 for Granite and I want to build some building needing Granite, the Stonemason is not going to work I hope ....

In fact, in order not to have delays, it would be necessary to differentiate between 'occupied' and 'unoccupied' objects. Currently we have the total and what is in dormant stock, but the circulating stock is also part of the 'unoccupied' objects. In another life, maybe. face-smile.png face-smile.png

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
Knowledge is only valuable if it is shared by the greatest number.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 17:07
Posts: 2006
OS: Debian Testing
Version: Latest master
One Elder of Players
Location: 0x55555d3a34c0
Posted at: 2021-04-20, 19:30

If an economy target is set to > 0, then the ware will be produced if and only if the total amount stored in warehouses is strictly less than the target setting (regardless of existing requests).
By setting a target to 0, you enter "produce-on-demand" mode: The ware will be produced if and only if it is requested somewhere.
(That's my C&P standard answer for questions about how economy targets work face-wink.png )1

When a building needs a worker and no matching worker is available, the worker is created from the tools. If the required tools do not exist yet, they are requested from the economy and therefore produced as soon as possible regardless of the target settings.

The stonemasons in the quarries completely ignore the economy targets; only the stone mines take that into account.

  1. Edit: By the way, we have lots of informational topics dealing with problems related to tool- and worker-requests, e.g. 

Edited: 2021-04-20, 19:35

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