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Topic: nl: new Dutch translations

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Joined: 2013-08-04, 21:05
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Posted at: 2016-10-16, 00:10

Made some updates today, I implemented some of the changes I proposed (not all of them) and made the copyright notice into "Uitgegeven onder de [GPL]" (may not sound as ominous as Gaelic, but I think it's okay). For "inbox" I just took "postbus" (a snail-mailbox), a technological intermediary between the parchment on the icon and the electronic mailbox. (Also, I've never worked at a normal office, so can't compare with that...) Multiplayer will stay as is, I'm (almost) at peace with that. I adapted the glossary as well.

GunChleoc: when exactly is translation freeze, can I send in stuff on Monday evening?

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Posted at: 2016-10-16, 07:55

If you still need Monday evening, I can pull the translations just before I go to bed, whenever that is.

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Posted at: 2018-11-19, 21:11

[In Dutch now...]

Ik ben opnieuw beginnen vertalen, zojuist heb ik het tweede scenario van de Barbarencampagne geüpload naar transifex, met een paar verbeteringen en aanvulling van nieuwe strings. Daarbij heb ik 'barracks' wel vertaald als 'kazerne', voor ik gezien had dat iemand al 'barakken' had opgegeven voor de naam van het gebouw. Puristisch als ik (enigszins) ben lijkt mij dat nogal uit het Engels gegrepen, maar als iemand toch nog de barakken wilt redden voor ik ze hernoem, laat het zeker weten!

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Posted at: 2018-11-20, 08:08

If Dutch is like German here, "kazerne" is the correct translation. A barracks is a place where soldiers are trained, and not a delapidated or small shed-like building.

Transifex has an option to show all resources and then search for a string - you could use that to clean things up and make the term consistent. Also, make sure that the glossary entry will match the actual translations face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2019-04-05, 01:33

I'll keep using this thread if that's OK...

When testing my translations for the third scenario of the imperial campaign, i seem to have found a bug: the messages telling 'Artifact Found' (diary_page_6) do not show the translations I've made, neither in the title nor in the body. Subsequent messages are translated just fine.

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Posted at: 2019-04-05, 08:29

Thanks for reporting! Hopefully fixed in trunk now, but you'll have to play the scenario from the beginning again in order to get the fix.

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Posted at: 2019-04-05, 10:19

I would suggest that inbox would be better as brievenbus as opposed to postbus. Brievenbus is more connected with mail arriving at a house, postbus is more for outgoing mail on streets etc.

Edited: 2019-04-05, 12:59

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Joined: 2013-08-04, 21:05
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Posted at: 2019-04-06, 18:29

Hi Tribal-Chief! Do you happen to be a Dutch native speaker, using and hopefully enjoying the available translations? I sometimes wonder if anybody besides me is using the translations I make... Hard to find out with a free software game, of course, but it's not very good for motivation.

About 'postbus' versus 'brievenbus': you are right, and I think it's OK to change it in the game. I think the relevant files are those for widelands and tutorial01. Can you change it yourself, Tribal-Chief?

Further questions:

It seems that the *.po files in bzr are sometimes not up to date with their corresponding *.pot files and the resources on transifex (their msgid's differ). I had the translations for scenario emp02 finished, but didn't upload to transifex yet. Can I just upload without causing any problems? My translated .po file still corresponds with what transifex offers as 'Download file to translate'.

And, when is the deadline for handing in translations? I wouldn't want to cause any delays, and I don't want to rush it like last time (my final translations were full of errors).

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Posted at: 2019-04-06, 21:27

I do not use the nl translations, I am pedantic about not being dutch as I am a nederlander and also prefer the purity of English ( definatley not american). I also cannot update any translations as I do not agree with transifect terms and conditions which do not conform with the GDPR

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2019-04-07, 06:56

I usually synchronize the translations on Fridays. You can contact me if you need me to do this more often.

If you upload a translation to Transifex and the source has changed, your new translation will be ignored. We have been in string freeze for months now though, except for some small changes we did for bug fixes.

In Transifex, when you're in the translation editor, you can choose to show all resources and then filter for "inbox" and get all translated strings.

All going well, we will publish the first release candidate in about 1 week.

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