
Immovables are entities owned by the world that are placed in a fixed position on the map. They include trees, rocks, artifacts, and eye candy.

Immovables are defined in data/world/immovables/<immovable_name>/init.lua. Some immovables are grouped into subdirectories, e.g. trees and rocks. There are also some specialized immovables:


This function adds the definition of an immovable to the engine.


table – This table contains all the data that the game engine will add to this immovable. It contains the following entries:


Mandatory. A string containing the internal name of this immovable, e.g.:

name = "alder_summer_old",

Mandatory. The translatable display name, e.g.:

descname = _("Alder (Old)"),

Mandatory for trees. Trees have 4 variants (sapling, pole, mature, and old), so we will want a simplified translatable display name for the editor help, e.g.:

species = _("Alder"),

Deprecated. The category that is used in the editor tools for placing an immovable of this type on the map, e.g.:

editor_category = "trees_deciduous",

Optional. The size of the immovable. Defaults to none - note that immovables with size none will be removed when their space is needed for a road. Possible values are none, small, medium, and big, e.g.:

size = "small",

Mandatory. Every immovable has an automatic default program, which will simply play the idle animation. Leave the table empty if this is all you need. You can also overwrite this default program, like this:

program = {
   "animate=idle duration:1m20s500ms",

See Immovable Programs.


Mandatory for trees. If your immovable is a tree (c.f. Trees), you will need to specify its terrain affinity, which will determine its chances to survive on different terrains. Terrain affinity is a table and looks like this:

terrain_affinity = {
   -- Temperature is in arbitrary units.
   preferred_temperature = 125,

   -- The preferred humibity. This is a value between 0 and 1000, with 1000 being very wet.
   preferred_humidity = 650,

   -- The preferred fertility. This is a value between 0 and 1000, with 1000 being very fertile.
   preferred_fertility = 600,

   -- A value in [0, 99] that defines how well this immovable can deal with non-ideal terrain.
   -- A lower value means that it is less picky, i.e. it can deal better with it.
   pickiness = 60,

Optional. A table containing all file animations for this immovable. Every immovable needs to have at least an idle animation. Animations can either be defined as file animations in this table or as spritesheet animations as defined in table spritesheets. A mixture of the two animation formats is allowed. See Animations for a detailed description of the animation format.


Optional. A table containing all spritesheet animations for this immovable. Every immovable needs to have at least an idle animation. Animations can either be defined as spritesheet animations in this table or as file animations as defined in table animations. A mixture of the two animation formats is allowed. See Animations for a detailed description of the animation format.

For making the UI texts translateable, we also need to push/pop the correct textdomain.



dirname = path.dirname(__file__)

   name = "artifact00",
   descname = _("Artifact"),
   animation_directory = dirname
   size = "small",
   programs = {},
   animations = {
      idle = {
         hotspot = { 14, 20 },



Artifacts are immovables that players can hunt for when using the “Artifacts” win condition. They need to define the artifact attribute in order for the win condition to find them, and should be placed in the editor_category “artifacts”.


Rocks are a special type of immovable that can be quarried by a stonecutter. They need to define the rocks attribute in order for the stonecutter to find them, and should be placed in the editor_category “rocks”. Rocks will shrink over time and disappear eventually while being quarried. This shrinking is implemented via their shrink program, which will be triggered by the stonecutter. Rocks usually come in series of 6 immovables:

  • <rock_name>6 - <rock_name>2: These rocks will transform into the next smaller rock by calling transform in their shrink program.

  • <rock_name>1: This is the smallest rock, so it needs to call remove in its shrink program in order to disappear from the map.


Trees are a special type of immovable, and should be placed in the editor_category “trees_coniferous”, “trees_deciduous”, “trees_palm”, or “trees_wasteland”. Because they will grow with time, this growth is represented by transforming one tree into the next through the grow command in their program. They also all need to define a species name and their terrain affinity (see above). Trees will grow in 4 stages:

  • Sapling: A sapling will be seeded by another tree or planted by a forester. All saplings have the attribute "tree_sapling".

  • Pole: A young, slender tree that is not able to seed other trees yet. A pole has no special attributes.

  • Mature: A visually grown tree but without any special attributes, just like the pole.

  • Old: Old trees can be felled, which is defined by the attribute tree. They will also die off and seed a new tree via the transform and seed commands in their program. They also need to specify a fall program, which will be triggered when a lumberjack fells them.