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Topic: Gameplay of the Amazons

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
Posts: 967
One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2021-07-05, 11:50

Since the Gameplay of the Amazons has a lot of interesting strategies, i offer a Tournament-like round of free challenging players here in a ranking system.

How it works? You can contact via direct message to make a game

You can play this game on any map, but it hgas to be Amazons v Amazons

You post the winner and replay of your game and will get a rating system

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
Posts: 967
One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2021-07-05, 11:56

Its very fun and if you dont have the time, play on a small map and on 2x speed,

i will offer some rounds, so contact me if you want to challenge probably the best amazon player ever seen ; )

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Version: Recent tournament version
One Elder of Players
Location: Germany
Posted at: 2021-07-06, 17:52

the-x wrote:

i will offer some rounds, so contact me if you want to challenge probably the best amazon player ever seen ; )

Why should they contact you if they want to challenge somebody who is not you?

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
Posts: 967
One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2021-07-06, 18:04

World Saviour, then contact the other person. I mean it's trivial that you play against the player you challange.

When you put on optimizing strategies and playing excellent economic games, a comment like this is spam.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
Posts: 2760
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Location: Bavaria
Posted at: 2021-07-07, 08:23

WorldSavior wrote:

the-x wrote:

i will offer some rounds, so contact me if you want to challenge probably the best amazon player ever seen ; )

Why should they contact you if they want to challenge somebody who is not you?

Touché! face-wink.png

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Joined: 2020-05-01, 02:20
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2022-05-15, 03:10

WOW!!! What an awesome tribe. I am so thrilled that you guys have built and included the Amazons face-smile.png

I have learned to increase the number of rare tree plantations and the tree cutters for the same. I am not sure if I am just too impatient but it seems that we need to dismiss a professional from a Jungle Preserver’s Hut to quickly gain a new worker for the Rare Tree Plantations. I have also been doing the same with the Master Woodcutters to quickly gain a new Rare Tree Cutter. Is this the standard way the tribe works?

"Wow Wow Wow" to the Gardening Center. Some of the maps I have developed include ground areas from all four Terrains. I am thrilled with the way a Gardening Center can change the most barren ground in the Desert Terrain into the best fertile ground. I am not sure just how far this goes up the list. Does it cross over the Terrains and produce Summer Meadow from Desert Dry Soil?

I am thinking about developing a map specifically for the Amazons. Of course I will make it acceptable to all the tribes. This one will be my first map produced with the new Version of Widelands as well. All of my previous maps have been built using an earlier version just in case there are still players who have not downloaded a newer version.


Accept the challenge to excel with the humility to receive help.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
Posts: 2760
One Elder of Players
Location: Bavaria
Posted at: 2022-05-16, 10:47

Lawrence wrote:

I have learned to increase the number of rare tree plantations and the tree cutters for the same. I am not sure if I am just too impatient but it seems that we need to dismiss a professional from a Jungle Preserver’s Hut to quickly gain a new worker for the Rare Tree Plantations. I have also been doing the same with the Master Woodcutters to quickly gain a new Rare Tree Cutter. Is this the standard way the tribe works?

For the Jungle Masters needed in the rare tree planatations this is exactly what has been designed to be necessary. For the cutters they work similar to other upgraded buildings were upgrade of worker and Building do match.

"Wow Wow Wow" to the Gardening Center. Some of the maps I have developed include ground areas from all four Terrains. I am thrilled with the way a Gardening Center can change the most barren ground in the Desert Terrain into the best fertile ground. I am not sure just how far this goes up the list. Does it cross over the Terrains and produce Summer Meadow from Desert Dry Soil?

No it doesn't cross terrains afaik. And it is just a rather unimportant feature unless somebody would make a map with only unfertile ground for trees. On rather all exisitng maps it is not really needed to built a gardening center at all.

I am thinking about developing a map specifically for the Amazons. Of course I will make it acceptable to all the tribes. This one will be my first map produced with the new Version of Widelands as well. All of my previous maps have been built using an earlier version just in case there are still players who have not downloaded a newer version.

New maps are always welcome.


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