Topic: small addaption Dutch translation
CrisiusXIII Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2021-05-25, 03:41
Hi just for the opening menu at the front-end page i hope its clear: widelands opening menu"Single player" is "Eenspeler Spel" ( single player game) or "Een Speler" ( means aswell 'a player' aswell as '1 player' ) mouse_over "Begin of Laad een Eenspeler Spel of een Vrij Spel" sub 1 "Nieuw Spel" (is already there) mouse_over "Begin een Nieuw Spel" sub 2 "Nieuw Willekeurig Spel" mouse_over "Maak een nieuw willekeurig spel" sub 3 "Campagnes" ( can stay,actualy french military, might have a old word somewere, eg "Stories" and "Verhalen") mouse_over "Speel een campagne" ( "speel een verhaal" ) sub 4 "Uitleg Spel" ( "Tutorial" can stay aswell) mouse_over "Speel een beginners uitlegspel" sub 5 "Laad spel" (is already there) mouse_over "Ga door met een bewaard spel" sub 6 "Vervolg Spel ..." or "Ga verder met spel" mouse_over 1) .. 2)"Kaart" 3)"Win voorwaardes" 4)"Spelers" 5)"Speltijd" 6)"Bewaard" "Multiplayer" "Meerspelerspel" ('multiplayer game' ) or "Meerdere Spelers" ('severall players' ) mouse_over "Speel met je vrienden op Internet" sub 1 "Online Spel" (is already there) mouse_over "Doe mee met Widelands" or "Doe mee met de Widelands groep" (groep is group) sub 2 "Instellingen Online Spel" (is already there) mouse_over "Login als een geregistreerd gebruiker" sub 3 "LAN/ Direct IP" (is already there) mouse_over "Speel online eenspeler spel" "Editor" "Bewerken" ('editor' is a modern word anyway) mouse_over "open een kaart om te bewerken" ( even with 'editor' the best) or "open de kaart bewerker" ( grammar is good but unusual as daily speech) sub 1 "Nieuwe kaart" (is already there) mouse_over "maak een nieuwe kaart" sub 2 "Willekeurige kaart" (is already there) mouse_over "maak een nieuwe willekeurige kaart" sub 3 "Laad kaart" (is already there) mouse_over "bewerk een bestaande kaart" sub 4 "Ga door met bewerken" mouse_over 1) .. 2)"Naam:" 3)"Afmeting:" 4)"Spelers:" 5)"Beschrijving:" (is already there) "bekijk herhaling" mouse_over "bekijk de herhaling van een eerder gespeeld spel" (in new menu GREEN DOT: "Kies een herhaling") "Opties" mouse_over "Technische en spel gerelateerde instellingen" "Add On's" "Uitbreidingen" mouse_over "Installeer en beheer uitbreidingen" "Over Widelands" mouse_over "Leesmij, Licentie en Creditentie's" "Verlaat Widelands" mouse_over "stop met spelen van Widelands" Edited: 2021-05-25, 03:43
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hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2021-05-25, 08:30
Hi, Top Quote |
CrisiusXIII Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2021-05-26, 05:42
Hello Hessenfarmer, i have had a look before but i am not going to pay for it. I do not know what is good about them but i have only a small pocket so i cant waste it. i have my internet and thats it. actualy i am glad that this game is free and opensource. I hope to learn more C so i can build a extra tab for messages inside the buildings. i have some simplistic C attempts which are not related to widelands at all and you are all very welcom if you are buzzy with 8bit retro Sinclair ZX Spectrum like i do a bit myself on But i am glad to help with more translations. i update about once a month i guess. i noticed some opening hints still to be in english, maybe i find it back in that structure about structers in a giant STRUC so, hope not to get struc, eh, stuck there.. Top Quote |
tothxa |
Posted at: 2021-05-26, 07:47
You don't need a paid account on transifex to contribute to Widelands translations. Although they say you sign up for 15 days free trial, if you look at their pricing info, you'll find that they have an "open source plan", which means that you can work on open source projects without paying anything. They won't even nag you after your 15 days are over. As for what's so great about it: It has some advantages, and some drawbacks, but the deciding factor is simply that it's what Widelands uses. All translations go into the github tree through transifex. It's a well integrated, web-based, collaborative tool. I found it pretty good for occassional translations and to get acquainted with translating Widelands, but it is slow and somewhat tedious for more intensive work. So after I got some experience, I moved to working offline and sync my translations with their command line client (having one is a plus too, and it's even packaged in Debian main). If Dutch has more active translators then working offline may be more problematic. For hungarian I had been pretty much alone for the last 2 months, so it was no problem. Edited: 2021-05-26, 07:48
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hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2021-05-26, 08:04
@CrisiusXIII: Top Quote |
tothxa |
Posted at: 2021-05-26, 08:20
As far as I remember, I didn't have to ask anybody to join the hu team. I added the info about tx "open source plan" to the Translatingwidelands wiki page. Top Quote |
CrisiusXIII Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2021-05-27, 04:31
OK, i am buzzy. done 20 lines now? Top Quote |
CrisiusXIII Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2021-05-27, 05:04
Some words/line are not accepted since the button does NOT turn blue. Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2021-05-27, 08:13
Thanks for joining the team, These sort of strings have numbers in them and need to have 2 Source strings and 2 translation strings. One string is for singular verb and noun forms in relation to the placeholder for the number, one string is for Plural forms. in the example provided this is "add-ons" and "add-on" on the source side and "uitbreidingen" and "????" on the translation. Top Quote |
CrisiusXIII Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2021-05-27, 18:42
both OTHER parts, from which this translation is compiled... OK i get it. Top Quote |