Changes in Game improvement suggestions
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Added Link for : 006
Revision Differences of Revision 3
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The discussion and voting for game improvment suggestions can found in the [Forum](/forum/forum/2/) .<br> ¶
Note a Improvement Suggestion can also been deleted from this Table List , in the case if it is implemented or Suggestion clear rejected .<br> ¶
# Result legend ¶
icon | meaning ¶
:---- | :---- ¶
 | No information about result / Suggestion not posted ¶
 | decision pending / Suggestion posted ¶
 | Improvement Suggestion rejected ¶
 | Improvement Suggestion partially accepted ¶
 | Improvement Suggestion accepted ¶
 | Improvement Suggestion in the Game implemented ¶
# History of requested game improvment suggestions ¶
id | type | suggestion title | suggestion description / short rejection reason | made by | links | result | date ¶
:---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- ¶
000 | Entire Game | Widelands on Steam | Publish Widelands on Steam for more Players<br><br>REJECTION REASON :<br>Violation with the License Model of Widelands - OpenSource Project | Several<br>Users | [Forum](/forum/topic/5810/?page=1#post-40480)<br>[Forum](/forum/topic/1838/) |  | 2015 ¶
001 | Unit<br>behavior | No Ships stacking | Allow that only one Ship can enter a single point and<br>each ship has a radius of one in there no other ship can enter points . | Teayo | |  | 2024 ¶
002 | Addon<br>Manager<br>UI | No anonymous voters | Display the voters names that rated a Add-On under the Voting result . | OIPUN | [Forum](/forum/topic/6122/?page=1#post-42975) |  | 2024 ¶
003 | Unit<br>behavior | Abandoned military buildings | Removal of the restriction that there must always be at least one soldier in a military building .<br>Equivalent to workers from production buildings who can also be sent away ,<br>leaving the production building unoccupied . | Teayo | |  | 2024 ¶
004 | Addon<br>Manager<br>UI | Simplifying Add-On voting | Replace the 1 to 10 star add-on rating system with a "Like" rating system.<br>Optionally also with a "Dislike" option . | Teayo | [Forum](/forum/topic/6122/?page=1#post-42980) |  | 2024 ¶
005 | Unit<br>modify | Lua Definition for Flags | Possibility to customization the flags of a tribe via Lua definition files ,<br>such as maximum number of wares stored on flag or setup / dismantling animations sounds . | Teayo | [Forum](/forum/topic/6097/?page=1#post-42779) |  | 2024 ¶
006 | Addon<br>Manager<br>UI | Filter for installed add-ons | Ability to filter installed add-ons similar to the Add-On Server Browser . <br> * Show / Hide - Enabled / Disabled Add-Ons in Add-On List<br> * Show / Hide - Add-Ons with Categories ... | Teayo | [Forum](/forum/topic/6146/?page=1#post-43183) |  | 2025 ¶
007 | Unit<br>Interface | Better Soldiers preference<br>for Military sites | A 5-Step-Preference for Military sites similar to the Wares Preference of Production sites | Teayo | [Forum](/forum/topic/6082/)<br>[Forum](/forum/topic/5090/) |  | 2024 ¶
008 | Unit<br>behavior | Soldier healing<br>Training sites | Add the Soldiers healing Property for Training sites Lua definition files | Teayo | [Forum](/forum/topic/6043/) |  | 2024 ¶
009 | Unit<br>behavior | Construction sites<br>producing Wares | Add the ability that Constrution sites can produce Wares when building Buildings .<br>For Wares Category of Transportation Tools Wares to transport other Wares . | Teayo | [Forum](/forum/topic/6044/) |  | 2024 ¶
010 | Player Support | Notification when<br>lose territory | Notification when you lose territory to the enemy | Runa | Discord |  | 2025 ¶
011 | Player Support | Show Ship Travel Path | Show the Path that a selected Ship travels to his target or highlight the target | feldschloesschenprinz | [Forum](/forum/topic/5993/) |  | 2024 ¶
# Redirects ¶
None ¶
# Tags ¶
game ¶
# Media Images ¶
image | name | version | date | size ¶
:---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- ¶
 | square_red.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px ¶
 | square_red_green.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px ¶
 | square_green.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px ¶
 | square_blue.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px ¶
 | square_yellow.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px ¶
 | square_white.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px ¶
 | square_gray.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px ¶
 | square_black.png | 1 | 2024/12/17 | 24.24px