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The Romans Tribe

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The Romans Tribe Romans Wares Romans Workers Romans Buildings

The Romans Tribe

The Romans Tribe is a Add-On Tribe that is not included in the default game of Widelands .
In the Addon Manager you can find the romans.wad Addon by Teayo that includes this Tribe .
Important : This Tribe is under development by Teayo and is currently not aviable in the Add-On Manager .

Romans Tribe
Availability Addon Tribe , not included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Very Hard
Tribe benefits impact Unknown must be tested
Tribe Speciality * Defending Walls
* Military sites for Mountains
Tribe Weakness * Busy Streets
* Long Soldier training time
* Weakest Rookie Soldiers
* Many buildings need upgrading
* Clay pits occupy building sites
Tribe strengths * High recovering rate of Construction cost of buildings when dismantling
* Strongest Hero Soldiers
* No Iron needed for recruiting Soldiers
* Recovering of soldier training equipment for previous level
Tribe Location Mediterranean Coasts
Tribe has a Campaign No

Add-On Development Progress

Version Month Year Phase
2 Current Add-On game starting - coroutine error - troubleshooting - finalization of unit naming
2 February 2025 Wares unique images completing
2 February 2025 Determining building construction costs / demolition recovery, as well as building programs
3 March 2025 Add-On Testing
3 April 2025 Intended Add-On Release
3 May 2025 Add-On Multiplayer Tournament Hosting


Version Date Link
2 2025/02/07 Google Drive


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The roots of the Tribes came up at the Naval Tournament 2023 where Teayo played against kaputtnik in Round 1 on the Map Calvission on 18th August 2023 17:15 to 19:45 MESZ .

In the progress of the game kaputtnik gained the controll over the Sea and started in the late game a Naval Invasion to Teayo's Island .

Teayo struggled with the economy and started up to build a Green Tree Wall with Forester houses with the try to schedule and slow down kaputtnik's Naval Invasion on Teayo's Island .

The Idea behind this defense strategy is to prevent attacks and loosing soliders and to gain more time to recruit more soldiers ore to train and upgrading the own soldiers .

But this choosen defense strategy by Teayo don't worked on the Map because the ground has bad growing Conditions for Trees .

After the losed game in the visitation of the replay and the analyse of the game , the Idea for Teayo's first Addon was born .

The first Idea was to add only one new Feature : The Wallmason .

Because the Empire Tribe has normally a lot of granite ware in the warehouse after a time and there no big usage for all of this granite .

So the Wallmason used all this granite to build up walls . Walls are a complett new Feature for Widelands .

The development started one day later on 19th August 2023 . The first Name of the Addon was Mauerbauer.wad .

From 20th August 2023 to mid September 2023 , in Blender starts the Concept Phase , which Style and Geometry have the walls later .

After the Concept Phase was mostly finished the development of the 3D-Blender Models started .

In October 2023 , the Addon was renamed from Mauerbauer.wad to mauerbauer.wad .

In November 2023 was a point reached where a first test was maked and checked to wall style look ingame .

Later in same month the Addon was renamed from mauerbauer.wad to wallmason.wad .

In December 2023 the next big Idea came up , a huge extension of the existing Empire Tribe , as own Tribe .

With more buildings , wares and workers and not only to add a Wallmason .

During the development there was some points of struggeling with the method of adding new wares , workers and buildings to an existing tribe ,

with the Problem that the new wares are bad placed in the Tribe Inventory UI Interface .

Now the Addon transformed from a Addon that adds Wares, Workers and Buildings to an existing Tribe to a Addon that adds a entire new Tribe .

In December 2023 the Addon was renamed from wallmason.wad to Imperium Plus.wad .

In January 2024 the Addon was renamed from Imperium Plus.wad to imperium_plus.wad .

After huge progesses with the 3D-Blender Models for the Walls , including preparations for a Animation of build up and down a Wall Element ,

the development of the extension of the Empire Tribe started .

The Idea was to make the Economy more realistic adding more supply chain componments .

In June 2024 the Addon was renamed from imperium_plus.wad to empire_plus.wad .

From June 2024 to October 2024 the development of the Extension Concept was finished . All Ideas which wares , workers and buildings are added .

The Idea came up to give the Empire Tribe more abbilities and strategys . Some new military sites was added .

Also the training and upgrading of the soliders was maked more difficult and complex .

In November 2024 the Addon was finally renamed from empire_plus.wad to romans.wad .

The reason for this renameing was that "Empire" can also descripes other Empires of other cultures , not only the antice roman empire .

For example the great ottoman empire , the japanese empire or the maja empire .

To make clear which real historic empire this tribe has as template , the name was changed to romans .

Also the offical Empire Tribe of Widelands already has in the tool tip interface the reference to that this tribe has the roman culture .

Special Tribe Features

  • Ability to build Stone Walls for defending as better alternative to the Green Tree Wall strategy for schedule and slow down tactic and preventing soldier attacks .
  • New ware Clay that is digged by the clay digger in the clay diggery . But it's a endless ressource . exchange Land for Clay . A game for time !
  • Ability to conquer Mountains with new military sites
  • Workers can no longer recruited instantly with the tool in a warehouse . Only in a new building : The School .
  • A Lot of new Wares , Workers and Buildings for the Tribe Economy - Now a bit more realistic
  • A Lot of new Upgrades for Buildings .
  • Transporting tools are required for transporting some wares : Jug , Barrel , Bucket , Basket , Sack and Bag .

Removed Content

June 2024 - Hops with the Hops plantation was added as base ware for the beer production , to seperate the beer supply chain from Wheat .

November 2024 - Hops with the Hops plantation was removed because beer was not a common drink in the antice roman culture .

Beer was known in the Roman culture but it was a Germanic drink . Water , Wine and Vinegar was more common .

October 2024 - Citrus fruit with the Citrus plantation was added as base drink for the soldier upgrading .

November 2024 - Citrus fruit with the Citrus plantation was removed because Citrus fruits was known in the Roman culture but

it was very rare and not a normal drink and mostly used as antice medicine .

November 2024 - Wheat was renamed to Emmer . Emmer was more common in the antice roman empire .

January 2025 - The Olives Mill and Wheat Mill are removed and combined to one simple Mill .


Romans Buildings
Romans Workers
Romans Wares


RomansPage , Romans Page , RomansTribe , Romans Tribe , TheRomans , The Romans , TheRomansTribe

Media Images

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