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Topic: Automatically subscribe to threads

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 19:48
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Posted at: 2022-12-04, 16:53

Hi folks,

an new optional feature was implemented: As soon you make a new post to a topic you will be automatically a subscriber to that topic and on each additional posts you will get an email.

The default behavior is like you are used to it. So if you do not want automatic subscribing just do nothing. If you want automatic subscribing just enable this feature by entering your notifications setting and enable "Subscribe automatically" and save.

Enabling "Subscribe automatically" means in detail:

  • If you write to a new topic you will get a subscriber for this topic automatically (you don't have to click on "Subscribe")
  • You can unsubscribe a topic like before (the button "Unsubscribe" in the forum), but be aware that if you write a new post to this topic, you'll get a subscriber again

Hopefully you like it.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 17:07
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Posted at: 2022-12-04, 17:02

Cool! Thank you for this feature, and the enhanced profile page face-smile.png

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 17:49
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Posted at: 2023-09-23, 21:21

kaputtnik wrote: an new optional feature was implemented: As soon you make a new post to a topic you will be automatically a subscriber to that topic and on each additional posts you will get an email.

I was wondering if the forum notifications could also be on the web page when you visit. My problem is that I don't use email as a "notification service". I'm an old school (first email 1988!) type who only uses it to send letters to friends. Other websites usually have the option to get notified about replies to your posts on the forum itself. It would be great if widelands forum could also do that.

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