Topic: Enemy Fish and Meat
habra Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2021-08-19, 22:52
Hello, I'm playing with bot enemy (endless game without fog of war). And see that enemy has a lot of "Gamekeepers", but ZERO Hunter's Huts also zero Fisher's Hut. How it's possible? How PC create Ration etc at Inn without this and actually play? Also I have the problem with "fish". I'm "out of fish" and "Gamekeepers" cannot help to fill the pond with fish. Thanks Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2021-08-19, 23:05
Well. to tell waht is going on a replay would be nice. You find our replay data in the /.widelands folder in the replay subfolder. A replay consist of a .wrpl file (cotaining all player commands) and a corresponding .wgf File containing a starting savegame to apply the commands to. If you could zip then and upload here we could have a look.
From gamekeepers I assume you are playing barbarians. Barbarians can't replenish fish. They only can replenish meat with their gamekeepers.
you are welcome Top Quote |
habra Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2021-08-19, 23:56
I'm not sure what "replay" to send. Also I do not have permissions to upload it here (or the board not support this). Can you please check this save file? Thank you for your attention! Edited: 2021-08-19, 23:59
Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2021-08-20, 10:27
Ok I will check it, but it will take till Monday. As you have completed 5 Posts now you are now cleared to attach files to a post. Be aware that not all formats are allowed so better zip if you have problems Top Quote |
littlekatana |
Posted at: 2021-11-17, 18:01
My follow up question to this is regarding the supply. How can you tell how much fish there are in a given area? I assume a fishery closer to the coast with more working area markers on water will gather more fish? Does the game keep track? I was going to try, but haven't yet, simply demolishing the building and building it again hoping it would start fishing, but that probably won't work. The other potential problem with this system is getting memory confused. When a fishery exhausts fish supplies, I usually demolish it in case I want to fill that space with forester or lumberjack. But if I don't do that immediately, i start to forget which ones I had fisheries on before. Top Quote |
Nordfriese |
Posted at: 2021-11-17, 18:07
Fish are a resource, so they work exactly like ores in mountains. The fisher picks a spot where there is at least 1 unit of fish, and decreases the amount of the fish resource on his position or one of the six directly adjacent nodes (one of the up to 7 nodes is chosen at random each time) by 1. Fish nodes wide out on open water are effectively inaccessible, so only the shore nodes actually matter. Like for all other resources, the game keeps track of how much is left, and the fisher can only fish from nodes where at least 1 fish is left. The initial amount is set by the map's author (or a low default amount if the author doesn't set resources); the maximum amount of fish per node is 20. IIRC fishbreeders can replenish fish even on nodes where no fish is left, though only if there ever was any fish there in the first place. Top Quote |
Ignis |
Posted at: 2021-11-18, 23:58
Sorry no, Fishbreeders will say "Out of Fish" if the area has been completely fished out, and the message will tell you there must be fish present for them to work. If this is a feature or a bug, I can't say. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition. Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2021-11-19, 09:44
Which version do you play. This had been changed in 1.0 or even in b21 IIRC Top Quote |
Ignis |
Posted at: 2021-11-20, 00:18
1.0. I think I still have my save, and I can try to repeat it as well. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition. Top Quote |
Ignis |
Posted at: 2021-11-20, 03:08
So I have the save, just need a way to upload it, any suggestions on what works to send files to you guys? No one expects the Spanish Inquisition. Top Quote |