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Topic: The tropical theme

Joined: 2017-01-17, 17:07
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Version: Latest master
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Posted at: 2024-08-07, 17:03

This is a problem with Windows file paths. The server uses standard file paths with '/' as the directory separator, while Windows uses the non-standard '\'.

As a starting point, in src/network/ there are some places where we'll have to convert between the host's native FileSystem::file_separator() and the server's standardized '/'.
This will require some trial-and-error which occurrences exactly need converting and which must not be converted, and perhaps even when and where we need to convert requests sent by the server to the native separator.

Unfortunately I cannot debug and fix this myself as this can only reasonably be done by someone developing on Windows face-sad.png

Edited: 2024-08-07, 17:04

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Posted at: 2024-08-07, 17:12

I am not a Windows developer. My only skill is developing of WL addons...

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