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Topic: Resetting ground height.

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Joined: 2020-05-01, 02:20
Posts: 31
OS: Apple and Linux Distros
Version: 19 and 1.1
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-04-01, 04:15

Hi Guys.

Is there any way to reset the height of an area of the map back to the original or at least make a small area completely flat? If there is not now, could it be something that might be put into a future editor?

So an explanation of my issue - when I decide to make a mountain or a valley I choose the height tool and begin to make the adjustments to the area. I get it almost perfect but when I try to play the map, there are only flags on the side of the slope. I need at least a small red building so that I can expand my area. Even if I do have a red building, if the flags are really close together because the ground is steep I can't reach the building site.

If I could just select a small portion of the map and choose to reset it so that it is flat I would be able to have my building site. I know we can use the shift key to reverse the tool but I am an old guy and maybe I do not have the same amount of skill as many who can get the result they need easily.

Sorry to be a pain face-smile.png

Perhaps I could find someone who would be willing to help me fix my maps when I can't get them the way they need to be. Any volunteers?

Edited: 2021-04-01, 04:27

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2021-04-01, 08:15

You can use the CTRL (STRG) key to set the height to the value of "Set height to". The mouse pointer changes to have two vertical arrows then. A new map has a default height of 10.

set_ height

Edited: 2021-04-01, 08:17

Attachment: image/jpeg

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2020-05-01, 02:20
Posts: 31
OS: Apple and Linux Distros
Version: 19 and 1.1
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-04-07, 14:13

Thank you so much for your speedy and extremely helpfull reply, kaputtnik :-).

That is exactly the solution to my problem. (Breathes deep sigh of relief)

I am almost finished my next map. I just have to play it through one more time to be certain I do not want to add anything else.

Thank you all once again for developing such an awseome game.

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