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Topic: New experimental tribe: Europeans

Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
Posts: 321
OS: Linux
Version: 1.2
Tribe Member
Location: The land of the thirsty spider
Posted at: 2024-12-24, 21:26

Really neat tribe. At first a bit intimidating but if you just dive in and try some common sense things (build basic building on small spaces to start) and then read what they need or can support and you're off to a good start.

One thing in the help seems wrong though. It looks like it says Reed Fields also make fruit. The upgrade building (Vineyard) seems to be needed for that instead.

Also I can confirm the shipyard bug. It simply refuses to build a ship no matter how many resources you have. It is falsely claiming shortages which do not exist.

Merry Christmas/Frohe Weihnacht

Edited: 2024-12-25, 02:53

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