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Topic: Added new Songs


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Joined: 2009-03-22, 20:52
Posts: 13
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-10-20, 19:01


i have added new songs. First there are 7 songs provided by Saturn. Even they have not all be completed (but may be updated in future) they will be an enrichment for widelands.

There are 6 new ingame-songs:

Recorder 2 Desertsketch 1 Desertsketch 2 Desertsketch 3 Mountainsketch 1 Tranquilforest

and a new title-song:


(Please note this are working titles and no proper names.)

And i have 2 new ingame-songs composed by myself:

Hard Time for Workers Between Peace and War

I also skiped some old songs to keep the overall donwload-size small and make the music-style fits better for widelands.


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